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AAE (American Association of Evangelicals)- Jason M.Reynolds

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The American Association of Evangelicals (AAE) is warning about progressive wolves in Christians’ clothing.

The AAE on Monday released an explosive three-minute video, “Soros’s Rented Evangelicals” exploring the George Soros network’s funding of “evangelical mascots” and a “Rent-an-Evangelical” tactic to confuse and divide the Christian vote for the pro-faith, pro-life Republican party.

Democrat ministers the Rev. Jim Wallis and allies are touring many states on “Vote Common Good” buses to “flip Congress” and “reclaiming Jesus” to split the evangelical vote before the mid-term elections.

The AAE video features the newly released voice recording of Wallis of Sojourners as he publicly denied that he was a recipient of Soros funding. Soon after, grants disappeared, but journalists found hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants from Soros’s Open Society Foundation to Sojourners. Wallis later replied, “I didn’t recall,” as he finally admitted the Soros connection.

This is a very complex story, as leaked documents obtained by AAE confirm, with Investor’s Business Daily calling it a media blackout of Soros’ takeover of politics in America and Europe.

Kelly Monroe Kullberg, a spokesperson for the AAE, said, “Americans hate manipulation. Most now realize that the demoralization of America is not inevitable, it is being purchased. Anti-American globalists like Soros are funding a growth industry of paid anarchists and political activists to divide and weaken America, including the Church. This brief video is a powerful tool and wake-up call to the Church and nation.”

In a longer 15-minute video on the AAE site, “Soros’s Formula for Killing America,” radio host Eric Metaxas, author of the best-selling “Bonhoeffer,” said, “God help us … please watch this video. Our country hangs in the balance.”

Watch the video:

James Garlow, former pastor of Skyline Church, said: “Thank God for these fearless producers exposing one of the most sinister, destructive forces to the Republic. Listen carefully. Your nation depends on it.”

Kullberg, also editor and co-author of “Finding God at Harvard” and co-founder of American Evangelicals, added, “If Christians follow the advice of Soros’s ministers, they will unwittingly elect politicians who favor taxpayer funded abortion-on-demand, gender confusion for children, higher taxes, open borders, criminal ‘sanctuary’ cities, drug legalization and legal attacks on religious freedom. What an anti-Christian and anti-human policy agenda to weaken people and nations. How unloving and cruel.”

Rejecting cherry-picking Bible verses for political power, the AAE urges a return to “the whole counsel of Scripture as the highest love for human beings.”

AAE is a growing, informal coalition of Christians who share the gospel, advance biblical worldview and engage opposition to the faith and nation. The AAE receives no political, government or large foundation funding. Its letter, “A Call to Repentance & Renewal,” has more than 4,000 signatories.

More information about Soros is available here, including a growth industry trafficking in human baby organs and body parts, and the abandonment of a biblical view of marriage that protected and liberated children and adults from centuries of pagan slavery, poverty, polygamy and non-life-giving sexuality.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.