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The Most Controversial Documentary About 9/11 Airs On Australian TV Network!

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is reported that the network has received more response from the airing of “911 In Plane Site” than in recent history.”

Network executives are scrambling to meet the demands of callers that jammed the phone lines and requested a re-airing of the documentary. According to a network programming spokesperson, the overwhelming majority of calls were positive and viewers thanked the network for airing the program.

E-mails poured into the producers of “911 In Plane Site” on Wednesday expressing support and thanks for the production as well as sadness, fear and anger as a result of the cover-up of the information contained in the video.

Despite efforts to suppress the information and questions raised in “911 – In Plane Site,” an increasing number of military experts and commercial airline pilots are coming forward to support and validate the information contained in the documentary. Many are now calling for a re-opening of the investigation into the September 11th attacks.

Dave vonKleist, producer and co-host of “The Power Hour” radio program ( stated: “The American people and the people of the world deserve the truth. Every country has been dramatically affected by 9/11 and the evidence indicates that we all have been lied to by government and media officials. Justice must be served and the real terrorists must be exposed and prosecuted.”

The Power Hour

Joyce Riley & Dave vonKleist
