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Insider Trading on 9/11

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re was a jump in United Air Lines 90 times (not 90 percent) above normal between September 6 and September 10, and 285 times higher than average on the Thursday before the attack. There was a jump in American Airlines put options 60 times (not 60 percent) above normal on the day before the attacks. No similar trading occurred on any other airlines.

Between September 6-10, 2001, the Chicago Board Options Exchange saw suspicious trading on Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley, two of the largest WTC tenants. An average of 3,053 put options in Merrill Lynch were bought between Sept. 6-10, compared to an average of 252 in the previous week.

Merrill Lynch, another WTC tenant, saw 12,215 put options bought between Sept. 7-10, when the previous days had seen averages of 212 contracts a day.

According to Dylan Ratigan of Bloomberg News: “This would be the most extraordinary coincidence in the history of mankind if it was a coincidence. This could very well be insider trading at the worst, most horrific, most evil use you’ve ever seen in your entire life. It’s absolutely unprecedented.”

Why was this crime never investigated? As author Douglas Herman says in the article below:

“Try to purchase some stock, or some futures, a mutual fund or some put options, without providing your identity. Go ahead and try it. See if you get anywhere. Find out what happens when you tell the investment firm that you want to make a huge investment anonymously. It cannot be done.

Then ask yourself this question: How could someone have placed anonymous put options on American Airlines and United Airlines just prior to the attacks of 9/11?

Then ask yourself why no one has investigated this suspicious deal.

Ask yourself why there has been no attempt by the US government to identify the person who anticipated huge profits from a disaster that was yet to occur. Is it because the trail possibly leads to the CIA?

Millions of dollars in such options were placed. If the perpetrators had been Islamic terrorists or fellow plotters, wouldn't Americans have heard by now?

Logically then, the co-conspirators were high officials in banking, finance or tied to the US government.”