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U.S. Military And Civilian Pilots Accuse The US Of 911

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roup Of Military And Civilian United States Pilots Accuse The United States Government Of September 11th

“The so-called terrorist attack was in fact a superbly executed military operation carried out against the USA, requiring the utmost professional military skill in command, communications and control. It was flawless in timing, in the choice of selected aircraft to be used as guided missiles and in the coordinated delivery of those missiles to their pre-selected targets.”


Stand Down

Exposing NORAD's Wag The 911 Window Dressing Tale

by Mark R. Elsis

Published January 8, 2003

911 Timeline

The Most Comprehensive Minute By Minute Timeline On 911

by Mark R. Elsis

Published September 9, 2002

My Country Right Or Wrong

Questioning September 11th

by Mark R. Elsis

Published October 22, 2001

More Than 500 Great Articles About 911 From Around The World

Online September 13, 2001

Audios, Videos, Photographs, Polls, Petition And News Archive

Online April 26, 2002

Tuesday, September 11, 2001, And The Three Top Sins Of The Universe

by Mark R. Elsis

Published February 9, 2002

Love Is The Answer

Mark R. Elsis
