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Attack On The Pentagon Was An Inside-Job Mass- Murder- Frame-up

by Dick Eastman

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ong back of a Boeing 757)

2. picture shows killer jet must be shorter than the

height of the Pentagon, whereas a Boeing 757 is

over twice as long (155 ft.) as the 71 ft. height of

the building.

3. The F-16 is 50 feet long -- about right.

B. Smoke trail of a missile being fired

1. Too thick for off-wing condensation

2. Exactly matches air-to-ground missile trails

C. White-hot flash explosion consistent with a missile warhead

1. Aluminum airliner with kerosene jet fule hitting concrete

office building would not produce 120 ft. white flash

2. Trail of missile still seen in flash picture

3. Photos of large flash-burn stain on the wall confirm

the flash picture

II. Photos of the post-crash wall taken before the collapse over the

evidence show many instances of the wrong crash imprint in the wall

A. Had Boeing fuselage gone through the hole centered on

pillar #14 on the second floor then, to the right of pillar #14

and on the first floor there would have to be a hole at least

six feet in diameter made by the starboard wing engine,

( which on the Boeing 757 hangs several feet below the fuselage.

Yet, between pillars 16 and 18 on the first floor there is clearly

standing intact interior wall, indicating that no starboard engine

punched through. And on the second floor between 16 and 18

the exterior wall is still standing and windows are unbroken.

These interior walls are also confirmed in other photos by the

way they blocked view of interior flames.

B. Pillar #15 on the first floor is clearly blasted away

all the way to the ground, even though at this location,

if a Boeing 757 had crashed as claimed, the

fuselage would had to have been entering well above

this location, entering at the second floor level or, at

the least, entering between level 1 and level 2 (i.e.,

through the floor of the second level --the lower engines

needing this height to keep from dragging on the lawn,

which was kept pristine.

The blasting away of pillar #15 occured well below

where the fuselage would have had to have penetrated

had the plane been a Boeing 757, and the fact that pillar

# 15 is not damaged at all on the second floor, where

the official story must have the fuselage shaving by

to the left of it, indicates that something other than

the Boeing blasted away pillar #15 at the low-first-floor


C. Also had the killer jet been a Boeing 757, the

fuselage entering at the second floor by pushing

back pillar #14 and the windows on either side

1. We would not see a remains of pillar #14 still

hanging down -- but we do see something hanging


2. We would see extensive damage to pillar #14

at the third and fourth-floor levels, as the tail

fin of the Boeing 757 with engines just above

the ground would reach the would reach half-way

to the ceiling of the fourth-floor level -- but the

limestone sheathing is unscratched, the windows

are unbroken.

3. The damage distribution is only consistent with

a smaller killer jet, its fuselage containing a single

jet engine penetrating the first floor following the

softening of the wall by the missile warhead, its

tail fin, knocking out pillar #14 on the second

floor level and not reaching as high as the


4. The height of the F-16 tail fin is 16 ft. 6 inches,

a much better vertical fit to the damage imprint.

D. Far to the right of the damage done to the killer jet,

on the third second floor, we see that another hole

has been made, damage that cannot possibly

be attributed to the crashing killer jet, and can

only have been the entry hole of yet another missile,

on a mission of its own.

III. Initial reports on D.C.-area radio about a plane crashing at

the 14th Street Bridge between the Pentagon and Reagan

National and of the first fire call being made to Reagan

National firetrucks regarding a crash at the northern

end of the Reagan National runways (only one mile

from the Pentagon) indicates that the Boeing overflew

the crash and landed at Reagan only one mile beyond.

IV. Downed lampposts and witness consensus each identify

a different approach path to the Pentagon, i.e., the Boeing's

and the killer jet's, and they are mutually incompatible --

(path of sighted Boeing also inconsistent with civil

engineers reported "50 degree- angle of entry" -- witnesses

reporting the Boeing coming over the Sheraton Hotel, the

Naval Annex, the Citgo gas station, and the southernmost

extremity of Arlington National Cemetery -- an angle much

closer to perpendicular to the wall) LINK

V. Wrong kind of debris tiny shards -- pieces of missile casing

blown to smithereens Link Link2

VI. Single piece of right kind of debris shown to have been

found on the opposite side of the approach path from

the starboard side of the plane where that particular piece

had to have come from, the aluminum following the letter

"n" on the port side being cut short by a the coach-class

passenger loading door. Link Link2

VII. Witnesses also

a. heard a missile

b. heard a sonic boom prior to blast

c. smelled burning chordite after the blast

d. saw a radar blip behaving like a jet-fighter blip

Link1 LINK2

VIII. No photos of wreckage taken inside the building show

airliner wreckage consistent with a 757 crash -- no passenger

chairs, no luggage, no gally equipment etc.

IX. Evidence of only one engine and one seat being recovered, a

pilot's seat -- this consistent with a single engine jet fighter.

X. A distraction plane, a four- engine plane making dives

over D.C. both photographed, videotaped and shown

on BBC, and reported (erroneously) by many wintesses

as the actual plane "diving at an irrecoverable angle)


XI. The attack was made almost horizontally into the first-floor

level -- consistent with a countour-hugging jet-fighter attack

XII. Normal rescuers were prevented from entering the building

while only certain people, including Rumsfeld himself, conducted

(screened) victims from the building

XIII. Rumsfeld had recently been given exclusive power to

OK air interceptions -- and yet he was in his office the whole

time the twin towers were hit, and when the Pentagon was

hit he went to oversee "rescue" instead of going to the situation

room where his interception authority could be given -- he

arrived at the situation room at about the time the Pennsylvania

plane (backup for the Pentagon) was finally shot down.


XIV. The various drills and practices for an air attack on the Pentagon

including some kind of simulation on 9-11-01 itself, coupled with

denials that such an attack had been considered possible.

XV. Impossible stories by, for example, John Judge (regarding

his amazing stewardess friend who claims to have seen the

Boeing inside the hole, recognized the plane as the one she

always flew, recongized her stewardess friend as a victim by

a photo of her severed arm with the matching "friendship

bracelett" they both wore; that she was passing out

doughnuts and coffee to the rescue workers with the salvation

army when the salvation army was nowhere in evidence at the

scene -- John Judge who is a professional JFK conspiracy

theory debunker and discloses that this same stewardess

friend is also a JFK theory investigator, the same

John Judge who launched the phony "People's Investigation

of 9-11 with a press conference by stating that the Pentagon

attack is not something responsible investigators should bother

investigating etc. since we "know" the Boeing hit the Pentagon

and don't want to be a laughing stock etc. -- the People's

investigation that never once reviewed any of the evidence

packages I posted to them -- the same John Judge who to this

day refuses to debate Dick Eastman on any internet forum and

whom all -- dare I use the term -- "responsible" 9-11 investigators

think is a John Judge who is working for the coverup, for

obstruction of justice, and because he does it so badly is himself

become one of the proofs of the frameup along with the known-

only-to himself flight attendant who works one of the flights that

most definitely had to have been regularly monitored by

US intelligence operatives, probably flight attendents, and

this one just happened not to take Flight 77 that day by

happenstance etc. -- so how about it, Mr. Judge?

XVI. The deaths of only the CIA's indepdendent intelligence

revivals , the Offices of Naval Intelligence personel, and

auditors of defense spending contracts etc. alone moved

into the "newly renovated" section that was hit -- on the side

where most of the witnesses would be the Arlington Cemetery

dead or people involved with driving their cars. Naval Intelligence

would have independently investigated 9-11 had they lived --

the investigator that no official has yet conducted -- Wolfowitz

sure bin Laden had done it and ready with the solution of invading

Afganistan on the very first day -- even as they were allegedly

taken by complete suprise only a few hours before that


For another, more detailed treatment of the small-plane killer jet thesis click here:

Witnesses in front of the Pentagon report a plane (like a cruise missile with

wings; a plane that could not possibly carry more than 12 passengers) that

flew low and level (at "treetop level," and "at 20 feet") into the Pentagon.

Others say they saw the American Flight 77 at that same moment

diving from "an irrecoverable angle," but at least two observers in

those three seconds saw two jets approaching the Pentagon and one

of these veer away as the other hit. And it was only of these two that

we hear of the FBI visiting witnesses to discuss what was seen.

Different sets of witnesses discuss to different sets of behavior and

position of the plane they saw.

The diving plane that people identified as Flight 77 must have merely

turned slightly and in the confusion and distraction caused by the

explosion from the small-jet attack -- put down its landing gear and

slipped into normal landing traffic for Reagan National Airport JUST

ONE MILE AWAY, where it presumably taxied unobserved to a waiting

empty hanger where passengers debarked into waiting block windown

busses and the plane recieved a change of paint, serial numbers and

"license plate."

Pentagon at right edge of picture

three quarters up. . Reagan

National Airport across picture.


At a speed between a third and two-thirds that of sound and

leveling from its necessarily accelerating dive, Flight 77 was

over Reagan National Airport before the sound of the killer

jet's crash reached the Capitol Building or Washington

Monument --since the airport begins only one mile from

the crash. Disappearing from the sight of turnpike observers,

behind the explosion, and blending in with routine airport

traffic was accomplished in less than 7 seconds -- the plane

was closer to the airport than to the Pentagon in less than

3.5 seconds.

We know that at Dulles Airport (where Flight 77

took off) and at Reagan National (where it must

have landed) there were 87 Israeli workers with

illegal top airport security badges giving them

access to airport security, the control tower,

hangers, loading docks, and passenger check in

locations -- these persons were later DEPORTED

BY ATTORNEY GENERAL ASHCROFT without an accounting

of their purpose or their affiliation with Mossad

or other organizations. And finally, for the

purposes of this little summary, we have the fact

of both the intelligence "stand down" and the Air

Defense stand down.


Flight 77 landed at Reagan National Airport after its

attention-getting dive toward the Pentagon.

Here is a satellite photo that shows how uncomplicated that

maneuver was and how its execution could be accomplished

with minimum visibility following the explosion that certainly

the planners counted on to distract from this "magician's exit."

Here is the satellite picture:

In the center of the picture is the Pentagon.

At the lower left is visible, across the Potomac and starting a

few yards from the water's edge, the landing strip labelled "15."

(Must be viewed in largest frame.) The plane might have been

able to turn sharply enough to arrive at this point from its

dive at the Pentagon, but it need not have. Flight 77 could

have aligned with this runway further to down or crossed the

airport and circled around for a different approach (as planes

were not yet grounded or being re-routed at this time) or it

could have used one of the two other runways at Reagan.

Either way it would have been blended in and lost in

regular air traffic. Above the Pentagon and to the left is the

Naval Annex building and the turnpike cloverleaf over or

near which both Flight 77 and the killer jet approached the


Flight 77 was higher and visible to witnesses against the sky.

The much smaller and less visible killer jet was hugging the

ground at 20 feet or less and approaching at must faster speed

-- on a path low enough that it would be viewed against the

confusion of visual "noise" of the buildings and Arlington

National Cemetary by any observer who saw it. Only one

observer saw both planes, he reports that both approached

and that one "veered" from its collision course as the other

proceeded into the target.

The veer was sharp but managable turn, which took it over

two parking lots, on cluster of small office buildings, over the

Potomac and unto the tarmac of landing a strip at Reagan National.

Notice that many observers on the turnpike in front of the West Wall,

including Riskus, would not have been able to visually follow

Flight 77 because of the massive smoke and cement dust raised

by the crash of the killer jet and the ground-to-air missile it fired

just before its own impact.

At the time of the attack those two parking lots would have been

full of empty cars. Most people would have been glued to

their televisions watching news flashes or absorbed in other

activities deemed even more important than watching a terror

attack on the World Trade Center towers.

Seeing the layout, knowing what all of the witnesses said,

knowing from the video that the killer jet was no Boeing 757,

we can be certain not only that this was the frameup conspirators

plan, but also that no other plan would have accomplished this

deceit. This has to be what happened to Flight 77.

Let us review reported witness statements:

Allen Cleveland, headed for Reagan National AIrport on the

metro train that crosses between the Pentagon and the

airport, saw "a jet" coming in for a landing on the wrong

side of the tracks, and before he could process that thought

he was aware of a "huge mushroom explosion."

Omar Campo, gardening in Arlington Cemetary, saw a

passenger plane, over his head, and shortly afterward felt

the ground shake with an explosion.

Afework Hagos, relates how he was in heavy traffic when a

screaming noise caused him to get out of his car in time

to see "the plane come over."

Kelly Knowles from an Arlington apartment two miles away

saw a two planes moving toward the Pentagon, one veering

away as the other crashed.

Paul Begala saw "a huge fireball, a huge, orange fireball," near the

Pentagon and heard another witnesses say that a helicopter had


In the Pentagon, Tom Seibert listened to " what sounded like a missile"

followed by a "loud boom."

Keith Wheelhouse and his sister, Pam Young were preparing to

leave a funeral at Arlington Naitonal Cemetary when they watched

"the jet" approach and hit the Pentagon. Both saw "another plane"

flying near the jet that crashed. When asked if the other plane

could have been an airliner performing a normal landing at Reagan

National Airport, Wheelhouse stated that he was not confused

by normal airport traffic.

Alfred S. Regnery, on the freeway with the Pentagon not yet in view,

heard a jetliner "not more than 200 yards above the ground" passed

overhead, disappearing "behind black cloud of smoke" was pouring

from a "gaping hole."

Terry Scanlon interviewed a Hampton Roads woman who saw a

plane following the jet that hit the Pentagon.

Jamie McEntire at the Pentagon on September 11 on CNN reported

a military helicopter circling the Pentagon at the time of the attack

and dissappearing behind the building from the helicopter landing

area followed by the flash of the crash. Reported 0945 - 0954 a.m. .

Christine Peterson, on the pike in front of the heliport, was at first

convinced that the plane was going to hit her car. As it flew over

she could read numbers on its wing [note: the American Airlines 757s

do not have numbers on their wings. "My mind could not comprehend

what happened. Where did the plane go? ... But there was no plane

visible, only huge billows of smoke and torrents of fire." Peterson

was also struck by the realization that over half of the drivers

who got out of their cars had cameras with them.

James S. Robbins, from his west-facing office window, one and a

half miles east of the Pentagon, saw "the 757" as it was "diving in

at an unrecoverable angle." "I did not immediately comprehend

what I was witnessing. There was a silvery flash, an explosion, and

a dark, mushroom shaped cloud rose over the building."

Mike Walter reported watching as something "like a cruise missile

with wings, went right there and slammed into the Pentagon, followed

by a huge exlosion, a ball of fire, and then billowing smoke.

Father Stephen McGraw , from the Pentagon exit onto Washington

Boulevard, heard nothing, but saw the plane "clip" the top of one

lightpole before it reached him. He remarked how it looked like a

plane coming in for a landing, "controlled and sort of straight."

"There was an explosion and a loud noise and I felt the impact.

I remember seeing a fireball come out of two windows (of the

Pentagon). I saw an explosion of fire billowing through those

two windows. (Further evidence of a mere ten-foot-wide hole.)

Steve Paterson said the plane that crashed looked like a small

comuter plane of no more than twelve passenger capacity.

Fred Gaskins was driving near the Pentagon as he saw the plane

pass about 150 feet overhead. "It was flying very smoothly and

calmly, without any hint that anything was wrong."

Aydan Kizildrgli, saw "the jetliner bank slightly" just before the

building was struck.

Peter Kopf, in slow traffic, saw the fireball.

Christopher Munsey headed South on the Interstate saw "a silver,

twin-engine American Airlines jetliner gliding almost noiselessly

over the Navy Annex, fast, low and straight toward the Pentagon,

just hundreds of yards away." Munsey saw the red and blue

markings "as it appeared to hit the side of the Pentagon."

(notice the chosen indefinitness)


`Bin Laden does not have the capabilities for an operation of this

magnitude. When I hear Bush talking about al-Qaeda as if it were

Nazi Germany or the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, I laugh

because I know what is there. Bin Laden has been under surveillance

for years: every telephone call was monitored and al-Qaeda has

been penetrated by US intelligence, Pakistani intelligence, Saudi

intelligence, Egyptian intelligence. They could not have kept secret

an operation that required such a degree of organisation and


--Mohammed Heikal, The Guardian, 10/10/01

Dick Eastman

Yakima, Washington

More aspects of the small-plane evidence: / Brad M. Kee Dewdney, Gerry Longspaugh Carol Valentine Jeff Strahl Eric Hufschmid Ralph Omholt

Richard Stanley & Jerry Russell

Everything about 9-11 except the Pentagon evidence can

be found at infowars (Alex Jones)

Leading defenders of the official version of the Pentagon attack: Mirror of Sarah Roberts Ron Harvey Mike Rivero John Judge Satire
