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Dov Zakhein - Mastermind Of 9-11?

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Jewish 9-11 Mastermind Forced From Pentagon Office

Dov Zakheim, Alleged To Have Coordinated 9--11 Attacks, Quietly Removed From Office

7/10/2004 10:19:11 PM LSN Staff

Washington, D -- Dov Zakheim, a Jewish neo-conservative who advocated a "new Pearl Harbor" and who is accused of coordinating the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the United States, has been quitely removed as Chief Financial Officer of the US Pentagon.

Zakheim, an Orthodox Rabbi, has been accused by "conspiracy theorists" of the being the point man contact between the Jewish Mossad agents and their American Jewish co-conpirators in leading the 9-11 terror attacks,

which were then framed on Muslims. (is this AIPAC??)

Zakheim is also accused of mismanaging funds. As a former consultant to Boeing and McDonnell-Douglas, he is accused of misdirecting as much as $30 billion in government contracts to those companies and their


In September of 2000, in a paper presented to the Project for a New American Century, a Jewish thinktank involved in linking the foreign policies of the United States and the Zionist Entity, Zakheim argued that "the process of transformation [of the USA into a Jewish state], even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." He then went on to advocate that American Jews must work with the Jews in the Zionist Entity to

stage a major Pearl-Harbor like terrorist attack in order to force the US into "war" and then use "war powers" to launch a coup against any non-Jewish forces in the government.

Where the money goes

"A study by the Defense Department's inspector general found that the Pentagon couldn't properly account for more than a trillion dollars in monies spent.

A General Accounting Office report found Defence inventory systems so lax that the US army lost track of 56 aeroplanes, 32 tanks and 36 Javelin missile command launch-units. "

"A former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense from 1985-1987 and Pentagon Comptroller since 2001, Zakheim was responsible for mismanaging more than $400 billion annually, as Pentagon discredited audits have persisted year after year. "


Dov Zakheim Comptroller, the Defense Department; Board of Advisers, Center for Security Policy; (formerly) Chief Executive Officer of SPC International Corporation SPC International specializes in political, military and economic consulting. It also manufactures a radar simulator

for target acquisition now used by the U.S. Navy, the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) Countermeasure Group, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

During the 2000 presidential campaign, Zakheim served as a senior foreign policy adviser to then Gov. Bush.

In late May, after Sen. James Jeffords of Vermont announced his decision to leave the Republican Party, throwing control of the Senate to the Democrats, Zakheim announced Bush's decision to push for a $5.6 billion increase in next year's defense budget--some of this going to Star Wars.

He told reporters he is optimistic that Congress, even with Democrats controlling the Senate, will approve big spending increases for missile defense for 2002 and beyond. "I'm reasonably sanguine, and I'll tell you why," he said. "I don't think it's as partisan an issue as you might, perhaps. And that is was a very different world" when President Reagan first proposed a space-based missile defense system aimed at stopping an all-out Soviet missile attack.

"We're not out there to zap the Russians; we're not out there to zap the Chinese," Zakheim said. "The context has changed completely. And I believe that there are a lot of Democrats who see this."

Dov Zekheim Under Secretary of Defense. He was Bush's Jewish foreign policy advisor and reportedly holds Israeli citizenship.
