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Announcement from (Updated August 1, 2006--Video Available!)

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F, ret., Filmmaker and Radio Broadcaster Alex

Jones, and Terrorism Expert Webster Tarpley.

The appearance of this discussion on the nation's premiere public

affairs cable network is an incredible boon to the 9/11 Truth

Movement. None of the 9/11 Truth events that C-SPAN has covered in

the past are as hard-hitting as the 9/11 + The Neo-Con Agenda

program. This panel discussion cuts to the heart of the issue and

exposes the events of September 11th, 2001 as a complex premeditated

plot carried out by criminal elements within the U.S. Government as a

pretext for launching a the endless "War on Terror" in which the

globe is currently embroiled. C-SPAN's coverage of this pivotal

information will bring considerable national attention to the 9/11

Truth Movement. It will also lend further credibility to the Scholars

for 9/11 Truth, the premiere organization within the movement for

peer-reviewed scientific research on 9/11 issues.

Each member of the panel brought their own particular perspective and

expertise to the discussion while each maintained throughout their

comments that 9/11 was an "inside job."

Alex Jones, a progenitor of the 9/11 Truth Movement introduced the

panel and acted as moderator. Professor Steven E. Jones, an expert in

Physics, re-capped his vital new research which has conclusively

proven that demolition incendiaries were used to bring down World

Trade Center and could have only been placed there in advance of


As a Distinguished McKnight University Professor of Philosophy at the

University of Minnesota and a former Marine Corps officer, James

Fetzer cut through the myths surrounding the 9/11 hijackers. Former

Air Force Interceptor Pilot Robert Bowman brought up the lack of air

defense on the day of 9/11 and shed light on the slough of drills

conducted on 9/11 to distract the military and prevent Flights 11 &

77 from being shot down.

Finally Author and Historian Webster Tarpley tied all of the

information together to paint a picture of 9/11. He described the

drills, Bush's actions and the blow-by-blow details of that fateful

day that revealed what could only be called the horrible truth of a

conspiracy fact.

It is crucial that everyone see this historic panel discussion on C-

SPAN. Tell your friends and family, email colleagues, and post links

on message boards. This is an incredible step in spreading the word

about the truth about 9/11.

The program will air on C-SPAN 1 at 8PM EST (7PM CST) on Saturday,

July 29th and then air again for the West Coast at 11pm EST (10pm


MOVIE OF THE WEEK: According to Google Video and other mainstream video download websites, the most popular movie on the internet is a documentary called "Loose Change 2nd Edition". After millions of downloads, the hard-hitting documentary has been called "the internet's first blockbuster." Loose Change is free, can be viewed on any computer, and offers a detailed analysis of the scientific and logistical problems inherent in the U.S. government's official story of what happened on 9/11 (note: some computer users may need to download Google Video Player to make the movie play more smoothly).

"Whatever you are giving your attention to activates the same vibration in you. It becomes your point of attraction; it becomes your point of allowing. It might be a good idea for you to decide what you want to make active within your vibration." Abraham-Hicks


----- Original Message -----

From: IM

Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 12:52 PM


I watched this the other night and I strongly encourage you take the time and elavuate for yourself.



From: CM


Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 17:09:12 +0000

This is extremely important. C-Span aired the 911 Symposium sponsored by Alex Jones, held in Los Angeles on June 25, on Saturday, July 29 and again the next day. For those of you who missed it, it will air again tomorrow, Tuesday, August 1. It is supposed begin at 6:15 p.m., but C-Span is not always on schedule, so look for it around that time frame. This is important. Truth has actually been aired over what is normally contolled media. You have to have this information. World War III is being staged by the madmen who created 911. You have to know the truth of this diabolical plan, how it has been prepared, and who was and is killing innocent people to further their agenda. Tune in and educate yourself. Can you handle the truth? It is time to find out. The world is not as we were programmed to believe. Your paradigm shift will begin with this program if it hasn't already. Yahshuah said He came to bear witness to the truth. His true disciples are still doing it. Alex Jones is one of them.


From MT:

Here is the link to the C-span coverage of Alex Jones on 9-11. You need to see this.