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Professor Jim Fetzer on Hannity & Colmes

Victor Thorn

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t Osama bin laden had nothing to do with these controlled demolitions. When questioned on this statement by Oliver North (quite possibly the most widely accepted mainstream criminal since mobster John Gotti), Fetzer quite correctly explained how the FBI recently admitted that there was no hard evidence linking bin Laden to 9-11.

To those who have shied away from this material for the past 4 ½ years, Fetzer’s brief, but potent disclosures must have resonated like a bombshell. The entire “official explanation” was a con-job because an Arab bogeyman and 19 of his cohorts - all supposedly trained in Afghanistan - were not the masterminds behind 9-11; but this inexcusable crime against the USA was instead executed by a small cabal of psychopaths within our own government, along with other “outside influences.”

Of course Fox News laid heavy amounts of spin and manipulation on this segment before Fetzer ever appeared, running such “teasers” as “9-11 Conspiracy” and “Bad Education” on the screen, or ominously warning their audience, “You’re not going to believe this shocking story.”

Still, despite their efforts, Professor Fetzer came through very confidently, even admonishing the hosts at one point: “I hope you did a better job researching 9-11 than you did in preparing for this show.”

With the fifth anniversary of 9-11 rapidly approaching, Professor Fetzer’s appearance on Hannity & Colmes is yet another nail in the government’s implausible, convoluted conspiracy theory.

The truth is out there; the question now is: what are we going to do about it?