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PRESS RELEASE: International Conference to Critically Examine the Events of 9/11 and the War on Terror, hosted by the Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society

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attacks is needed and a rethink of the War on Terror is required.


May 27th, 2007 -- (Vancouver, BC) The Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society will host an international conference to expose the realities, myths, omissions and distortions of the official narrative of the events of September 11th, 2001, and present evidence which contradicts what the public has been told about that fateful day, and evidence that has been ignored. Presenters will detail the numerous reasons why a new, full, and impartial investigation into 9/11 is required.

The theme of the conference is "9/11, Canada and the New World Order � Reclaiming Our Destiny" and will focus not only on what occurred, on September 11th, but will also look critically at what has been done, and is being done today, by our governments (both abroad and domestically) with 9/11 as the justification, and will question the legitimacy of the War on Terror.

Presentations and Topics for Discussion include:


Scientific and Historical Evidence that directly contradicts the Official Narrative of 9/11


The History of False Flag Terrorism by governments and intelligence agencies to justify military interventions, spending, and extraordinary domestic measures.


Canada's participation in the War On Terror and in Afghanistan, and that country's relationship to 9/11.


The use of Depleted Uranium Weapons and their effects on local populations, soldiers and the world, as well Canada's roll in producing such weapons.


The Weaponization of Space, Canada's participation in the Space Program and the Military Industrial Complex, as well as other advanced weaponry, and potential uses.


The S.P.P. (Security and Prosperity Partnership) between the USA, Canada and Mexico, which many contend is a blueprint for a North American Union (without citizen input nor public debate), as well as the fate of democracy, sovereignty, civil rights, Canadian culture, and our national identity.


Globalization and 'New World Order' agenda, for Canada and the world.


The emerging culture of surveillance of ordinary citizens in Canada and worldwide.


Gatekeeping: How Information is suppressed.


The importance, methods and means of 9/11 Truth activism.

Speakers include:

Prof. Steven E. Jones, Prof. Kevin Barrett, Prof. Peter Dale Scott, Prof. Michael Keefer, Dr. William Deagle, Dr. Joe Hawkins, Webster Griffin Tarpley, Alfred Lambremont Webre, William Thomas, Robin Hordon, Rowland Morgan, Barrie Zwicker, Hal Sisson, Ian Woods, Connie Fogal, Ken Fernandez, Gillian Norman, Larisa Schirba.

Film Screenings and Workshops:

Several important documentaries examining the events of 9/11 in detail will be screened, including a preview of a forthcoming documentary entitled Shadow Play by Australian director Gillian Norman.


Friday, June 22nd to Sunday June 24th


The Maritime Labour Centre

1880 Triumph St..,

Vancouver, B.C.

V5L 1K3

Seating Capacity: 600

The Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society is dedicated to affecting a new, full, and impartial investigation into the events of September 11th. They state "the conference is in the interest of justice for the victims of 9/11 and their families, for world peace, and that for the future of humanity, the truth must be revealed, and justice done."

Any proceeds from this event will go towards future endeavors to raise public awareness about 9/11 questions and to help support continued independent 9/11 research.


The Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society

Box #32

2902 Main Street

Vancouver, BC

V5T 3G3

Voice Mail / Fax: 604-608-5667



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