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N YC 9-11 Truth Takes Back Ground Zero

By Michael Kane

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a Respectable Memorial for those who died at Ground Zero? (full article)

The NYC Truth Movement permanently, and completely, took back Ground Zero from the Neo-Conservative false-patriotic agenda. In true New York fashion, 911 Truth activists unveiled the now legendary banner, which read, “THE BUSH REGIME ENGINEERED 9-11” in front of the World Trade Center footprint.

The above caption is just below the photo.

I'm not sure the photo will forward so am just sending the link listed above.

There will be many people on this site on Saturday, January 10, 2004 to pass out more information about the truth about 911.

In connection to the artcile listed above are three other newspaper articles from three other newspapers. One includes photos of the collapse of tower 7 in progress, clearly stating there was no reason for this tower to collapse.

The link above will take you to the link of the other three newspapers.

The men holding the banner in front of the WTC did a poll and learned that the majority of people believe the government was behind the 911 attacks. My point in all this is to show you that the truth is spreading far and wide. The people refuse to believe the lies of the Bush Regime. They are demanding answers. I have seen extensive coverage on 911 but have not seen any of these newspapers before. Two in particular are devoted to exposing 911. The articles in these papers give names, exposes truth about these people. The truth is spreading. "We the people" are making a difference. It's clearly indicating that the majority of the people believe the real truth, not the lies given in the major media. The names of the 4 newpapers or newsletters are: 1. 911 Visability Project (has the banner with accompaning article) 2. New York Press 3. 911 Review 4. Propaganda Matrix covers many other subjects besides 911. You may or may not want to read all the articles but you can clearly see that others are out there trying to make a difference as well.





