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911 Plane Swapping- Remote Control ?

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ht 93 over 35,000ft going over 400mph. several long calls from this altitude, are unlikely, to say the least.

This has been a conundrum for me, thinking how unlikely it would be that those calls had been faked.

So did the calls happen? maybe, maybe just not from the planes we were shown on the maps.

Flight 93 had debris spread for miles. there were actually 3 debris feilds, up to 6-8 miles away from each other. i somehow doubt this plane crashed and the wind took debris 6- 8 miles away.

So if we were not told the truth about flight 93, and if a boeing 757 didnt hit the Pentagon, what happened to them ? Somewhere there is a big coverup going on either with the airlines, ATC, the FAA , or ???

If we are already being lied to about some of this information, it should not be hard to think that it goes further.

With the transpoders off, planes are simple radar blips to the controllers. if a plane comes close to another one (a mile or so) they can easily be confused. If a plane flies over another one, and they swap transponder codes, the controller would be no-wiser.

Flight 175 CHANGED its transpoder code twice !

This simply does not make sense for a hijacker to do. We were told they turned off the transponders so the planes could not be tracked. I have to wonder why a hijacker would change the code twice?

(but they let people make cell phone calls! - Hello, FAA, FBI? can you track us by radar please, we are being hijacked)

According to the maps we were shown, flight 93 filed a new flight plan and reported a new ETA about 20 mins AFTER it was hijacked. I would have liked to have heard that conversation....

(Hello, DCA, i would like to land at your airport, i just hijacked a plane) !


The 3 articles i present below, along with the map oddities page build a likely scenario for what may have happened, or at least, what didnt.


Plane Swap: Part 1

Flight 11 Goes Site-Seeing


Plane Swap: Part 2

Flight 93 meets Flight 175


Woodys new article !

How to steal an airliner and fake a hijacking


- The life conduct of at least some of the hijackers don't point to an Islamistic background, but to sex&drugs&rock'n roll

- The phone calls from the airplane which are meant to be the strongest proof for a hijacking are not genuine

- Some or all of the missed passengers of Flight 11 embarked on the wrong plane

The sheer amount of unexplained contradictions has inevitably led to the development of alternative scenarios for Flight 11, usually embedded in a scenario for the whole 9/11 attacks.

The story of Flight 11 as I present it here avoids the numerous weaknesses of the official version and is empirically better grounded than the existing alternative versions. It is not a scientific, but a criminalistic approach, meant to stimulate researchers to look at new, promising traces left back by the perpetrators of the attacks.

The article consists of two parts. Part I is a comprehensive timeline for Flight 11. In Part II, the timeline will be explained and discussed in more detail.


Between 6.03 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. After the thieves are sure that they are the only persons left on N334AA, they prepare for the unusual flight that lies before them. One thing they do is to disable ACARS, a system used for data communications with the airline. That's why the departure data don't appear in the data base of the Bureau for Transportation Statistics (BTS) which gets this information via ACARS. Gerard Holmgren


8:27 a.m. N334AA reaches the Northern edge of his flight path and turns South. Paul Thompson The thieves decide to begin their rush towards New York City. They know that around this time a remote controlled plane is started in Poughkeepsie, 70 miles north of the city. Their task is to run up to this plane so that they cross the heart of New York City at the same moment when the remote controlled plane crashes into the North Tower.


Plane Swap: Part 1

Flight 11 Goes Site-Seeing

Frank Levi (8th Sept 2004)

Thanks to Brad, Kjell, Nico, Woody, Corinne and Naserian for help and input.


Since 9-11 there has been much speculation about the possibility that the planes used on that day were flown by remote control. If you are not familiar with these theories it is advisable to read them first before reading this article.

These theories were sparked by a number of anomalies in the official story such as:

The alleged hijacker pilots have all been reported to be less than adequate pilots.

The jerking movements of the planes.

The aerobatic manoeuvres performed by Flight 77 prior to its crash into the Pentagon

The failure of all pilots on four planes to change the transponder code to 7500 indicating a hijacking is taking place. (They didn't even need to change their transponder code; transmitting "squawk seven five zero zero?on the radio is enough.)

The bizarre way that AA Flight 77 flew round in a circle and into the side of the Pentagon like a plane coming in to land.

You can read these various pieces and come to your own conclusions. There has been a gradual evolution in this theory over the years since 9-11 as more evidence has come to light. Original theories focused on the idea that the planes were modified (probably in the airports) to allow remote control. Looking from the viewpoint of our unknown conspirators this might appear unnecessarily complex and risky, especially when compared to more recent ideas which we will expand on in this essay.

Tricking Air Traffic Control

The key concepts have been dealt with in more detail in Operation Pearl (A.K. Dewdney) and Rendezvous Points (F. Levi) but will be shown in summary here as follows.

Two planes flying on the same vertical line will appear as one spot on a radar screen.

The US military conceived of a plot in the ?0s in which a remote controlled drone would be substituted for a passenger plane using this concept of "radar shadow? The idea was to blow up the drone and blame it on a Cuban shoot-down as part of a fake terror campaign. See Operation Northwoods (Appendix B)

Three of the planes had the transponder disabled. The transponder transmits information about the plane's identity and altitude to Air Traffic Control. When disabled the plane becomes an unidentified blip on the radar, though ATC can manually tag the radar blip to keep track of it, as was the case with Flight 11 (ref)

United Airlines Flight 175 switched off its transponder for about 30 seconds then apparently changed its transponder code twice

If a switch took place it most likely occurred near an airport or airbase where the real plane would fly above the drone as just after it took off.

Why go to all this trouble? These conspirators presumably wanted to start the pre-planned war in Afghanistan. What would have happened if the suicide hijackers had changed their minds at the last minute, or crashed on the way? More....


What to look for:

Flight 175 has a brief deviation from its path in southern New York state. This not only takes the plane over Stewart Airport (and air base) it also occurs right on the boundary between Boston air traffic centre and N.Y. centre. You can read more about the significance of Stewart Airport in Rendezvous Points

Flight 175's flight path meets Flight 93's flight path over new Jersey

Flight 93 has a strange deviation from its path to meet Flight 175

Because of Flight 93's 42 minute delay, Flight 93 and Flight 175 are in the same place at the same time

This meeting takes place just after Flight 175 apparently switched off and then changed its transponder code

These anomalies would indicate that one of the following occurred:

Flight 175 met a remote-controlled drone taking off from Stewart airport. Flight 93 flew up to meet Flight 175. Flight 175 flies on in the radar shadow of Flight 93 (either above or below) and the drone flew on towards NYC. Both planes were destroyed at approximately the same point near Shanksville. This might explain the two debris fields, as mentioned above.

Same as above but one of the planes landed at Cleveland (Woody Box)

Flight 175 changed its transponder code to that of Flight 93 and carried on. Flight 93 was the remote controlled drone, it turned round quickly and crashed into the WTC.

More diagrams

This is a frame from the new flight tracker videos transposed onto a background taken from flight explorer. The small blue plane (centre left) is Flight 175. It is deviating from its flight path (blue dotted line) and flying right over Stewart Airport (SWF, black dot obscured by the top wing).

More (with map graphics...)


more info on flight maps, transcripts and oddities...


other suggested reading

Operation 9-11: Find the Rendezvous Points


"The Secret Hijacking -The Fifth Plane landed in Cleveland..." (Woody Box)


The Cleveland Airport Mystery


9/11 War Games ?No Coincidence


Betty Ong call !!!


Security at Dulles AGAIN - AND- flight 91 and flight 93 !


transcript of call from flight 11 (with comments)


Flight 11 - The Twin Flight - more airline security issues 2 flight 11's ?

