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O'Donnell Pledges Allegiance To 9/11 Truth

Paul Joseph Watson

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Earlier today it was revealed that ABC had gagged O'Donnell from talking about Bill O'Reilly's sex scandal after O'Reilly threatened to "go after" O'Donnell and her colleagues.

O'Donnell has faced fierce criticism from Neo-Con talking heads following her comments Thursday in which she discussed WTC 7 on The View, a show that averages 30 million viewers.

In her latest blog entry, O'Donnell announces her continued intention to investigate questions surrounding 9/11 and arrive at the truth, though she stated that at present she had come to no firm conclusions.

O'Donnell heralds America as a great country because it still provides a forum to "speak and....think freely."

Here's O'Donnell's blog entry in full.

"9/11 affected me deeply, as I know it did many Americans. The falling of the twin towers served to remind me that many of the assumptions Americans have about their lives are rooted in false feelings of security. In light of this reminder, I have begun doing exactly what this country, at its best, allows for me to do: inquire. Investigate. America is great in so many ways, one of which is the freedom to speak, and indeed think, freely. I have, of late, begun exercising the rights bestowed upon me by the democratic system I value, and the exercising of these rights has taken the form of an inquiry into what happened five years ago, an inquiry that resists the dominant explanations and that dares to entertain ideas that push me to the edge of what is bearable. I have come to no conclusions and, given the scope of the subject, will not for some time."

"If the very act of asking is so destabilizing for people, than I have to wonder whether the fabric of our democracy is indeed so raveled it is beyond salvage. My own belief is that the act of asking is itself reparative, because it brings to life the values on which our constitution rests. I am, therefore, pledging my allegiance, hand over heart, trying, as always, for a rigorous truth."

O'Donnell should be applauded for refusing to shut up amidst a climate that has seen many call for her to be fired by ABC simply for questioning official pronouncements regarding both 9/11 and the Iran hostage crisis, with one talking head, failed actor Danny Bonaduce, even calling for her execution.

The events of the past two weeks have underscored that fact that the real extremists are the feverish Neo-Cons that have called for retribution against O'Donnell simply for exercising her first amendment rights and asking questions that are shared by a sizable majority of the American public.