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Alleged 'Flight 175' Fires Missiles upon World Trade Center before Impact!

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problem in viewing them. The only video I did not get was the large full speed video from This video is 6.6 MB and is called TTVideo02.wmv and if you have copy, please email me at There is a medium speed version of this video below called TTVideo05.wmv which can be viewed instead. In place of this video there is an animated gif sequence I created of the same crash but from a different view point. You can plainly see the missile launch from under the airplane into the tower just before the airplane crashes in to the tower. Immediately below and at the end of this article are links to the video still images that are no longer available on but presented here in an easier to access format. Frames #133 - #136 on our video stills page show the missile firing into the tower.

111 Videos Stills web gallery of the undercarriage pod and missile firing into the tower

Animated GIF sequence of the missile firing into the tower - 4 MB file (plays in any browser)

Download the GIF animation (4 MB)

Download the entire sequence of 111 Video Stills (7.6 MB)


Networking all the 911 People Together . . . United we stand!

All things seen at this site can be accomplished by you, the average person, by simply taking the footage from 911, ( ) and slowing it down. This will be especially appreciated by Bill Maher. His redemption draws nigh. This is also captured by many home VCR's from people watching the TV at home. It is part of the verifiable, historical, permanent and unerasable record of 911. A legacy if you will. Follow through the site and see for yourself! When you visit this site, make sure you download and save as, then view from your hard drive for the sake of bandwidth. See below for a quick preview.


CNN/ABC Preview

CNN/ABC Preview 2

CameraPlanet Preview

LetsRoll People! This is a case where impeachment simply falls short of an entire guilty administration. Can we trust Denny Hastert as our new President, as it might possibly be only days before this happens. Is Denny Hastert part of this? Can he be trusted as our next President? Will he clean out this corrupt administration, or would he further the cover-up...? Would he pardon Bush? Pardon him for 3000 souls dead, a nation betrayed, and a world war started? All because the American CIA, NSA, FBI, DOD, and the many other 3 letter acronyms they go by, couldn't slow down the video of 911 at the world trade center before we marched the world off to the brink of oblivion? How the French President must be smiling from ear to ear, as he reads this website through the first time. President Chirac, could you please pass this link along to some of your VIP friends..? Personally we believe you knew about the Missiles from the start, yet were caught between a proverbial Rock and an American hard place. How could any intelligence agency miss this, right? Bravo, President Chirac! Thanks for slowing down the War effort! And thanks France for the Statue of Liberty, much appreciatted! And btw, I still eat french fries daily!

Sincerely, The Staff at LetsRoll911!.org

Alleged 'Flight 175' Fires Missiles upon World Trade Center before Impact!

Missile Scandal will Rock Washington & the World! Video Proof captured by All Networks covering 911!

World-Wide, Governments Log on to LetsRoll911!.org in growing numbers, more to come, developing..

A Short Word to the World from the Creators of LetsRoll911!.org

It can be proven that missiles were used against the world trade center. It can further be proven that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolitions, purposely, with 3000 innocent, helpless souls inside. With this being the case, it changes everything for the World, for Afghanistan, for Iraq, for George Bush, and lastly but not least, insurance companies involved. This website will save them billions! It will save United & American Airlines billions, and help everyone recover losses already paid out. Not only was 911 pre-planned, but those who did so, did so with the intention of using this event to defraud insurance companies out of billions upon billions of dollars at the same time. Thus making the insurance claims null and void. I sure would hate to be Larry Silverstein right now, cause this doesn't look good for him. He bought the World Trade Center some 90 days before 911 with all sorts of special and now, in hindsight, curious insurance riders. He bought 2 Asbestos filled 'Golden Herring' Towers which would cost more to tear down than to replace. And now, he has the gall to try to make the insurance companies double pay for the World Trade Center. Shameless. But with this new development, the insurance companies can not only stop payment on all 911 claims, but they can now start to recover their huge losses due to fraud. What will Larry Silverstein settle for now? Perhaps he knew nothing, one can only hope. It will be for the investigators of the true official investigation to figure out. But as of yet, this investigation hasn't started. The sham 911 commission is designed to cover this up. The true investigation, in my opinion, will only be done by those who have the most to lose. Insurance companies. When they see the Dog and Pony show that has been leveled against them, they will, and should rise up in unison and say; "Nope, not a dime...Let the insiders pay for their handiwork! With the information here at the site, it should provide the Insurance companies, with far more than enough reason to just saying 'no' to another nickel or dime payout. Let the truth begin and lets leave the falsehoods behind....

Our hope is that the American people will rise up in anger about this, as they have been defrauded on an unparalleled National scale which impales history itself! And may the World forgive America, for the crimes of a few. The Lord God Almighty only knows how many countless hours of tears and emotion, and grief, that this website, and it's truth of 911, which needs to be heard, will bring to Americans, and the World. It is not with any great delight we at bring this message to the World, but with much sadness. Yet, how could we not? Is all Evil needs to thrive, is for a few good people to do nothing. Please direct your anger at those who perpetrated this fraud of a millennium upon America and the World, as well as changing your attitude towards Islam, Muslims, and Arabs, and mostly, The corrupt Federal Government of the United States of America. I say this as a Christian. For it is now America who needs forgiveness, because of 911, from them. For this website shows without a doubt, that 911 was an American inside terror job, perpetrated by Americans, a small, as of yet unknown group, who perpetrated this terrible tragedy America and the world, hijacked the US ARMY and started yet another Crusade against the helpless Muslims who don't even have missiles of their own, and never had any part in this gross American conspiracy.

Sincerely, The Staff at LetsRoll911!.org

Exclusive - LetsRoll911!.org


Notice, above and to the far left. That video is from ABC and CNN. All that was done, was to slow it down. Notice it shoots out an orange fireball from this 'undercarriage pod' on the 767 before it hits the 2nd Tower. || To the right is the video taken by Evan Fairbanks. It clearly shows, when slowed down, the pod from where this missile came from. | The picture to the right of the 'blue' Evan Fairbanks video is taken from CameraPlanet, and clearly shows the picture of the missile itself. | And to the right, one can easily see the 'double penetration' of the cockpit and the missile at the same time. Notice when the orange fireball appears, far to the right of the cockpit, is when that 'white projectile' disappears. Pretty simple stuff, when seen in slow motion.|

Lets Roll! - The Missiles of September

By: Phil Jayhan

Lets Roll! Those famous words. With almost those words alone, America was off to war. And in less than 10 hours after the attack of September 11th, 2001. It was little more than those words that tied the 'alleged 19 Arab' hijackers to this terrible attack upon America. We all knew what happened, but to whom shall we War?

And before you knew it we had 'boots on the ground' in Afghanistan. Then in Iraq. Yet oddly, it was allegedly '19 Arabs from Saudi Arabia' that did this heinous act. Not Afghanistan or Iraq. Yet something ominous and foreboding tells me we will yet end up in Saudi Arabia before this is all over.

Did we do what was right in Afghanistan after 911? Were we right to go into war against Iraq, only to later find the reason for our going was a false pretense built upon another false pretense, which is at best held up by a bombed out foundation? These are good questions, however they miss a central problem with the whole underlying premise on our war against terrorism. And also fail to ask the crucial question regarding 911, and that question is; Was it 19 Arab Terrorist's who even performed this crime of the century against America, the Manhattan Massacre, and were Arabs even involved at all?

You might be saying; "Hunh.. What do you mean, of course it was Arab Terrorist's, everyone knows that! The TV even said so, over and over, CNN/ABC, Fox, and MSNBC all said so..."

But I will show you not only good reason to discard this dusty old conspiracy theory about the evil bad muslim arabs, but also prove to you they could not have done this dastardly deed.

The following video is taken from video footage of 911 and was taken by There is something ominous about this, as is this was caught by all the news networks on the scene that day; It was captured by CNN, ABC, CameraPlanet, Fox, Msnbc, Evan Fairbanks video, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, and the L.A. Times and even home VRC's. Amazingly, it is on all of their footage shot on 911! Is all one has to do is slow it down, and watch. No need for experts, scientist's, or MIT talking heads. The chilling video below has been simply slowed down, so one can see with the naked eye what the video camera was capturing. Although rockets are involved, one doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to see and understand what is clearly taking place in slow motion. You might have to watch this a few times, but see for yourself!

Can you see the orange fireball to the right of the cockpit? That's the exhaust plume/punch through of the missile that was just shot out of the undercarriage of this 'special 767'.

And the white projectile traveling along the front of the plane in the video, is the missile itself. Notice the white missile disappears at the same time and place where the orange fireball appears. That's because that's the entrance point of the missile. The two links below are of the same event but at medium speed and high speed. Much harder to see, yet still visible;

(med speed - Difficult to see) 911-missle-animation.gif

(Slow speed animated GIF from different angle - 4 MB file)

Editors note; The reason for the difference in the beginnings, is one is the full speed unedited version cameraplanet displayed on their website after September 11th, 2001. The one with the animated building was taped off of Speigel TV in Germany on a 911 Documentary, but is the same footage.

Notice in the high speed version it is impossible to see. It's even difficult to see in the medium speed version, yet discernable. Yet it is there. And has been waiting silently for almost 3 years to become known. Oops, sorry Afghanistan & Iraq, sorry about the small oversight there. I guess intelligence agencies aren't what they used to be. So the question isn't whether or not Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, or if Usama Bin Forgotten did this; Neither had any part. The question now becomes which Americans are the ones responsible for the inside job of 911, who fitted this special 767 with a missile pod and missile, and how high does this go in the Bush Administration? It's no longer a question of what he knew and when he knew it. It now becomes a question of what did he plan, and when did he plan it, and who were his co-conspirators. These videos and pictures imply all of these questions, and more.

All of that light you see on the 767's side is from the light of the missile as you will soon see by following this story. Notice after the missile impact, that all goes dark again, and even as the planes gas tanks are shredded, there is no explosion occurring yet, as the fuel has yet to ignite.

Notice that even when this 767's wings and fuel tanks are shredded like lettuce, there are no sparks, no red, orange or white flames. Nothing. That's because the planes fuel, traveling at 500 mph has not yet ignited. Here in this link below you can see a video showing the missile ignition and launch occurring. This also constitutes the very first Missile attack on America in it's history. The President was sworn to protect us from all enemies, foreign or domestic. I'm certainly not a PHD, but it's hard to believe this was a foreign made missile attached to this Boeing 767. And even harder still for me to see how Osama Babba and his 40 Cave dwelling Templar terrorist's could pull off such an impossible feat. Perhaps we can have NASA enhance these photographs to see what kind of missile is being used. I'm sure the Chief Information Systems Officer at NASA might be able to lend assistance, unless he is otherwise engaged in helping to cover this up. But these photographs certainly point us in the direction of a domestic enemy, not foreign. Wouldn't you agree?

Now, if you don't care for the footage from Cameraplanet and Speigel TV showing this event, then turn the channel, and see it on CNN/ABC. Or perhaps you prefer Fox. No to Fox? How about MSNBC then? This is the reason all of the who's who of VIP's have become regulars here at Lets Roll 911! Because this was caught by all the networks on the scene that day, and the proof cannot be hidden any longer, nor can the evidence be erased. A true definition of an administration that is caught between a rock and a hard place. These videos have the capability of toppling the President, and not just him, but the entire corrupt administration. We know what impeachment is about, but what do we do when the entire administration is guilty of a crime of such magnitude against their own people, and thus has to be removed?

Here is a full speed video file (6.6megs - below) taken from CNN and the 2nd Trade Tower impact with sound, bland monotone reporting and a failure to report the pod and the missile. Good job CNN!! Still waiting for this news update from CNN. But for now this is Phil Jayhan, reporting live @ Lets Roll! 911- Now back to CNN's Aaron Brown with the latest on the Princess Diana, and; 'Was she really left handed, and have wild roving affairs with Scandinavian trans-sexual gypsy circus midgets, paying them out of the Queens Treasury; Phil Jayhan Reporting live @ Lets Roll! "Back to you Aaron"

(This video is missing. If you have it, email

Missile Pod collection collage

(Hint for Aaron Brown - The Pod, Aaron... & the Missile! BEHIND YOU! LOOK!)

- Developing...

Throughout the website you will see all the videos, pictures and proof, of not only missiles at the world trade center, but later a controlled demolition ( )of Towers 1,2 & 7, the smoke and mirrors, dog and pony show at the Pentagon, as well as the Oddessy of 'Flight 93' as well an excellent in depth overviews by Cooperative Research. ( )And if this is your 2nd visit here, and want to familiarize yourself with the general idea on how the 4 planes were hijacked, check out Carol Valentines, Flight of the Bumble Planes. ( )

To continue on in the Forums, 911 For Dummies, and find out what really happened ( ) on 911, including many videos and pictures from 911 that show these events, please click here. ( )


The Missile Pod and it's Purpose

By Phil Jayhan

"All truth passes through 3 stages.

First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

- Arthurr Schopenhauer -


The opening of this story is out of sequence. And was done intentionally as the proof of the video's is so overwhelming, it cannot be discarded even by the most ardent critics. A picture or video proving the events I am describing to you is better than starting off with a thousand word essay. But for those who continued on, I knew would have many questions or criticism's of the events, as they are caught on video, and displayed here at Lets Roll!

Therefore, to continue along this vein, see below and study the 9 frames below before we get started into the serious discussion about the missile canopy and it's purpose. But before we can do that we need to clearly establish it's presence, which isn't difficult, as is the case with all other elements of the events of 911 as caught on video.

In the above sequence of 9 frames, intermittently chosen between 39 and frame 55, the extra equipment on the planes undercarriage is in all of the stills of the video sequence. And in frame 54, CNN/ABC captures the same event as Cameraplanet, just from a different angle. Cameraplanets still of the same missile impact event is captioned in frame 55. (The greenish photo) The only way Aaron Brown could have missed this is because he had his back turned to it while reporting the event. Aaron, in the future, watch the event as you report it.

Notice how in frame 55, the orange fireball is gone, as is consistent with the footage from camerplanet. Also notice something in frame 55 that further supports these observations. Look at the place on the 767 where the right wing meets the aircrafts body in frame 55. In the rear of this area, off the top of the wings is a sheet of smoke making it's way off the planes upper wing area. This is harder to see in the video stills, but when one watches the video a few times, it's absolutely impossible to miss when looking for it. This sheet of smoke would be from the missiles exhaust. Notice as well the absence of this on the left wing.

For a full 90+ frames of this sequence, unedited from CNN/ABC go here, and download these files. Here at this link, you can view about 100 frames of the CNN/ABC video which shows the undercarriage pod in every frame! The pod can be seen around frame 60 and after. Please feel free to download these for your personal archive.


111 Videos Stills web Gallery of the undercarriage pod and missile firing into the tower

Animated GIF sequence of the missile firing into the tower - 4 MB file (plays in any browser)

Download the GIF animation (4 MB)

Download the entire sequence of 111 Video Stills (7.6 MB)


Video/Photo Credits: Top left, Slo-mo 767; CNN/ABC/Rosalee Grabel aka

The Bluish photo showing the missile pod: Evan Fairbanks | Greenish photos/Video -

FatSam by Guig0 | Aaron Brown/CNN File Photo/ Copyright MMIV Productions;
