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Just How Many Chances Do You Give A Compulsive Liar?

Jim Kirwan

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that the Brits announce the frustration of yet another "Terror Plot" (from the air, and all bombast - no facts, no evidence, and no pictures) nothing but more threats! The "news conference" held to explain it all did not give the reporters any microphones, so the questions asked about this whole affair - could not be heard by the nationwide television audience: While the five panel members behaved as if they were receiving academy awards, as they thanked everyone - repeatedly - for the "opportunity" that this "crisis' presented!

Also happenstantially coincident, is the fact that British Petroleum (in need of cover) is facing massive and costly investigations into their potential pipeline failures (over 14 years without routine maintenance - when others do maintenance checks every 14 days) - not to mention that Israel has just announced a three fold increase in their invasion plans for Lebanon, while they continue to hold the entire planet hostage to their threats of nuclear blackmail. - if they are not given free reign to do whatever they want to do to anyone or to any state that threatens their long term goal to create The New Middle East that will be Israel and ONLY Israel - where so many nations once existed!



Just how many chances do you give a compulsive liar?

Blair in the Caribbean, bundling Deputy PM Prescott at the helm, a Home Secretary who states we have a Home Office 'incapable of performance' and Intelligence Services who feel they have been stabbed in the back. The latest lies from No 10 was that Blair was trying for peace in Lebanon, but he gave-up and went on holiday anyhow! Hundreds of his peers want a return to Parliament to discuss Lebanon. Why? Because it is so obvious Israel intends to annexe South Lebanon - why else send in so many troops? They need the water from the River! Israel has always been water starved!

Just how many chances do you give a Government which is obviously clutching for straws? Don't they know just how transparrent they all are. If this catastrophe was going to happen today, how come the villains have all been arrested in their homes? Nothing really adds up, except that is, that instilling into peoples minds how bad the Muslim Terrorist is, so that they will be able to sleep at night as their Country's Air Forces bomb hell out of The Lebanon, Syria and Iran.

This is yet another 'False Flag Operation' just like 7/7 was planned to coincide with the meeting of the G8 Conference in Scotland. Always perfect timing! Always totally 'incredible!' Always contemptable!'

So very transparrent and oh so very dumb!

Mr Rothschild? You will have to do better than that to be able to forfill your dream of making Israel the centre of the Universe! GJ (UK)


I suppose this is Plan B because the dirty bomb (Plan A) which was

en-route to Iran was stopped by Romanian Customs and not allowed to continue. Never did hear any more about that!

A real terrorist threat will be targetted at Governments not innocent victims! Thats where the Terrorist has more integrity!



LMAO,,,,,they were home grown in the UK just like most of the one's here were home grown blowing up buildings and killing people. Top that off with the "plan" they were going to try to pull off. Picture yourself on a plane. You see someone get up and take their carry on bag into the bathroom. Knowing no one does this, how did they expect to mix the liquid together and not be spotted? None of it makes any sense. UK news said they were "watching" them for a month and arrested them before they did anything. So why was the threat level raised after and not before?

Kathie Costos
