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with Tom Heneghan

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e Plame's name to his co-conspirator Bob Woodward on behalf of the Bush Crime Family bagman Richard Armitage. Armitage, an old Iran-Contra player, is an expert in drugs-for-guns, a.k.a. narcotics-weapons money laundry. Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald has linked Armitage in the plot to plant W.M.D. in Iraq during Nov. 2002. U.S. puppet Ahmad Chalabi was the middle man in coordinating the shipment of W.M.D. from Turkey to Baghdad along with undercover Mossad and U.S. Special Forces that had infiltrated the Hussein's government.

This gang is now part of the paramilitary Gary Best-Haliburton-D.I.A. (Defense Intelligence Agency)-British M.I.-6 operation in Iraq that is involved in the assassination of Iraqi nationalists who oppose the scripted D.I.A.-British M.I.-6 Mossad BOX Al Qaeda (sources of this info comes directly come from Judith Miller herself former N.Y. Ttimes reporter now cooperating with Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald. Now we continue connecting the dots.

It was Valerie Plame's team that interdicted the attempt to plant W.M.D. in Iraq in 2002. They used F.B.I. intercept from the infamious American Turkish Counsel to bust up the BOX plot. Of course, it was Sibel Edmonds that intercepted the 9/11 Gary Best command order, "The time is now the match is hot."

That intercept came from the American Turkish Counsel a.k.a. 9/11 HQ.

History Lesson Points:

1- August 6, 2001 - Bushfraud the Loser receives daily Presidential briefing in Texas that Bin Laden is determined to attack the U.S. with hijacked aircraft within 30 days of August 6, 2001.

2- Remember the WD-199 warning to the N.S.A. that the F.B.I. had penetrated the Wildcard-9/11-Red/Blue U.S./Canadian war games Toronto, Canada H.Q. Reference Udday Hussein letter to Russian President Putin.

3-The French warning to America that British M.I.-6 and U.S. N.S.A had been compromised inside the 9/11 Red/Blue war games. New witnesses inside the U.S. Dept. of Transportation now ready to go forward to further confirm of these facts. Again dots fully connected making Bob Woodward of Washington Post guilty of High Treason. Woodward covered up the Stephen Cambone 9/11 notes from his book Plan of Attack. Book & Snake Woodward clearly knew Valerie Plame could connect the dots between the scripted N.S.A. attack on America and the urgency of Bushfraud and Rumsfeld to attack Iraq on the day of 9-11 in order to eliminate the two Husseins who were both aware as was Vladimir Putin of the attack which was to come and slaughter 3,000 Americans in cold blood for political and financial purposes. Reference again the famous Udday Hussein letter to Putin and Cambone notes.

P.S. - It is clear now that spec counsel Fitzgerald continues to investigate the valerie plame leak case as he takes direct aim at the greatest criminal conspiracy in the history of the United States.

P.P.S. - The PTECH SOFTWARE that we used to compromise the U.S. defense shield on 9/11 is connected directly to the Texas company CHOICEPOINT SOFTWARE INC.; that company was used to steal the year 2000 presidential election from duly-elected non-inaugurated extortion-resistant ALBERT GORE. FloridaGate remains 9-11Gate. Are you listening FOX NEWS? Are you listening Sean Hannity? Are you listening Bill O'Reilly? YOU TWO PUNKS, YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED.