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Zionist Nuclear Terrorism in America

By Dr. Stefan Grossmann

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and Neo-Con war hawks under their likely political head Henry Kissinger.

This report needs to look into a range of subjects, such as:

1. use of nuclear (fusion) devices in Manhattan on 9-11-1

2. history and network of the persons responsible for this

a) secret Israeli nuclear armament

b) nuclear espionage and its cover-up

c) depleted uranium poisoning of Iraq

d) the black money aspect, AIG

e) the Kissinger traitor cabal

1. Use of Nuclear (Fusion) Devices in Manhattan on 9-11-1

9-11 in Manhattan was an act of nuclear terrorism.

It is beyond doubt that nuclear fusion bombs (shaped mini-hydrogen bombs) were used in the morning of 9-11-1 in Manhattan in order to demolish the World Trade Center. This was shown conclusively by an unnamed Finnish military expert in summer 2005, see English translation at:

This author, an attorney, has compiled a technical report that tends to prove that there were numerous explosions by pre-planted devices, plus a main nuclear blast for each of the main WTC towers that were destroyed. See 9-11 SCIENCE REPORT APPENDIX A: Bomb Report,

Click here for zip including WTC Bomb Report.

This author has further compiled a technical report that tends to prove that fires had no importance for the collapse of the WTC towers, this due to fire temperatures, fire duration, enduring heat in the ground for weeks. See 9-11 SCIENCE REPORT APPENDIX B: Fire Temperature Report,

Click here for zip including WTC Fire Temperature Report.

You can download the former DVD (now in Windows Media Player format) that shows the technical background and, near the end, demonstrates the bright nuclear flash that resulted from the atomic device, see Gallerize download center:

After reviewing the evidence as reported in the foregoing documents, there is complete clarity beyond any reasonable doubt of the technical issues according to the information collected from mainstream news sources. Hence, 9-11 in Manhattan was an act of nuclear terrorism.

2. History and Network of the Persons Responsible for This

It is now necessary, from publicly available sources, to create a viable informational fingerprint of the persons who are responsible for the aforementioned nuclear terrorism in Manhattan on 9-11-1. Specialized research has progressed so far that a clear picture emerges.

This picture shows Zionist/Neo-Con military, intelligence, political and business networks in cooperation with red Chinese intelligence and military interests. The lead comes from a Zionist clique inside the U.S.A. This Zionist/Neo-Con clique is centered in New York and Washington, D. C., and purportedly in Israel.

Here follow details, including some links to the 2000 presidential election treason, as far as this author is aware of them:

a) Secret Israeli Nuclear Armament

The state of Israel was founded by terrorists. This has shaped the character of that state to this day. The present prime minister Ariel Sharon is a known felon and mass murderer with fascist tendencies.

Israel engaged in a secret nuclear armament program. This only became known to the wide public when a fearless whistleblower from the Israeli nuclear scientist community, Dr. Mordechai Vanunu, leaked secret photos from inside the secret Israeli nuclear bomb factory at Dimona to the Sunday Times of London in 1986. (The first Western reporter to interview Vanunu was Lenny Bloom and that interview is in the Cloak and Dagger Member's Archives.)

Here is a BBC report from 2003, source URL:

Back in 1986, Israel reportedly had already built 100-200 nuclear bombs. Israel has a nuclear capacity on its own soil.

b) Nuclear Espionage and Its Cover-Up

It appears from research that pro-Likud and Neo-Con Zionist elements inside the U.S. government have large knowledge and control over the vast U.S. nuclear weapons potential. This would amount to nuclear espionage to the extent that the said elements are not, or not only, loyal to the U.S.A. but have ties to a foreign government such as the government of Israel. An indicator for this would be whether these elements have neglected or outright harmed American interests. There are numerous facts to be considered for this, some from the 1990s but most since George W. Bush has occupied the White House as alleged President in early 2001. (The relevant aspect of depleted uranium use in Iraq has been given its own dedicated section below.)

It would lead too far to go into all this here. This article cannot be a full report but can merely attempt to be a call to awareness. A full report requires a full investigation which still needs to be done through Congressional hearings, criminal grand jury procedures, etc. which will take months or years to complete if they are ever begun.

c) Depleted Uranium Poisoning of Iraq

So as not to lose unnecessary words here, see poignant report by nuclear whistleblower Dr. Leuren Moret,

This radioactive poisoning has a major cause in the long-term Zionist influence on American politics and warfare. It is typical of Zionist state terrorism of a hellish type, promoted foremost by Henry Kissinger the old war monger and wanted internationally for numerous alleged human rights violations.

d) The Black Money Aspect, AIG

The ties of money and corruption are strong links. They are covered in earlier articles by this author, see:

Wall Street Terrorist Throws Towel (AIG, M. Greenberg),


with link to another part of the 9-11 SCIENCE REPORT (insurance fraud, inside trading).

Bribery of the U.S. Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore through Clinton’s Zionist re-election finance chief Marvin S. Rosen, who had built many contacts with companies including their China Ventures, such as Coca Cola,


Leon S. Fuerth per the Armenis Papers,

Earlier overview article, especially its section III.,

e) The Kissinger Traitor Cabal

The foregoing connections, once studied, may also be labelled the Kissinger traitor cabal. They are the Zionists and Neo-Cons behind the nuclear terrorism in America.
