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Listen As David Griffen Goes Even Deeper On 911

Michael David

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se of you who still believe that the events of 9/11 were caused by "extremist Islamic terrorists", this will be a great wakeup call and may be difficult to absorb; at the very least it is likely to be . . . unsettling.

The instructions below indicate that as long as you have WMPlayer 10 (Windows Media Player 10) loaded on your computer (this program is part of most versions of Windows from Windows 98 on up to Windows XP. If, by chance, you don't have Windows Media Player, you can download it for free from Microsoft's website at: When I clicked on the program, a Real Player window came up and when I attempted to open the program with WM Player 10, I received an error message; something about missing codecs. So, if WM Player 10 doesn't work, use Real Player which can also be downloaded for free at:; just click on . Enjoy!

With Infinite Love,

