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Custom Search's Kevin Smith on FOXNEWS Planet Mancow (Video)

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ith rapid mocking questions (ie - bigfoot) injected just as the fireman finished and then moved to another question without giving Kevin time to answer.

Not to mention that Mancow took at least an hour and a half of "takes", an almost unprecedented amount of takes for such a show, to get Kevin to be perceived the way Mancow/Fox wanted him to be perceived (hence, the clip they left in of Kevin asking for a "cut"). Mancow also attempted to discredit the internet as a whole, "world wide web of disinformation" as he put it, for useful or factual information with a skit, which he mentioned right after Kevin's debate, entitled "Lies on the Internet". This is an obvious propaganda attempt to discredit channels of information which the mainstream media/government do not have control over. Just like any other information medium (newspapers, tv, etc.) there is totally bogus information put on the internet so you have to do your own research (as you always should), but the big difference with the internet is the inability of someone to control what information you have to do research on to begin with. That's why the internet is so terrifying to liars. This is why it must be discredited, and why the governments of the world feel that laws need to be passed against it so it can be controlled as the media is today.

However, I do commend Mancow for letting Kevin have a longer opening statement than I thought he would. Kevin, overall, got to talk more than I would have guessed, but it was still way under par for a real debate. Kevin, you did a great job and you looked great! (I meant that in a purely heterosexual way, of course). So much for 15 seconds of fame, you had 6 minutes 26 seconds!!! Way to go!