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Carpenter Marlene Cruz Proves Pre-planted Explosives in WTC

Interview by Peter Jennings, Sept. 12, 2001

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part of a well-planned controlled demolition.


From:> Dstacey

The evidence keeps mounting that the story the government told us about 911 is bogus.

The towers were brought down by controlled demolition, not because burning fuel from the

airliner caused the steel to melt or weaken. There are many sources of reports that

explosions went off in the towers BEFORE they collapsed as well as while it collapsed.

The video is of a news interview by Peter Jennings of Marlene Cruz, a carpenter working

in the World Trade Center. She was injured when an explosion damaged an elevator she was

in. She lay on the floor of the basement for 40 minutes before she was taken to the

hospital. In other words, the explosion occurred BEFORE the plane hit the tower. DS