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9-11 Evil - Israel's Central Role in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks" by Victor Thorn (Updated August 6, 2006)

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ed President Bush on the morning of September 11, 2001 with electronic capabilities even more sophisticated than that of the NSA?

• Identity of the true 9-11 mastermind revealed with extensive, highly-incriminating documentation.

• Who is George Bush’s real guru (it’s not Karl Rove), and where do his loyalties lie?

• Learn which entities operate behind-the-scenes at the Pentagon and are never mentioned by the mainstream media (and for that matter, the alternative media as well).

• What role did the notorious “Prince of Darkness” Richard Perle play in 9-11?

• Ascertain for yourself how Israeli-owned companies controlled corporate and government phone banks, wiretapping, instant messaging, computer equipment, and backdoors to their firewalls.

• Who covered-up the massive spy operations which took place in America before (and after) 9-11?

• Check out how every major player in the sale of the WTC complex to Larry Silverstein was Jewish, including the CEO, mortgage holder, owner, and negotiator.

• Discover how the 9-11 terrorist attacks lead all the way to Rothschild Inc., and how they've used it to protect their “number one priority.”

• Revealed: a cabal of alternative media figures who deliberately use obfuscation, deceit, and misdirection to maintain a well-crafted Zionist Protection Racket.

• Who was truly behind the post 9-11 staged anthrax scare?

• Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu: key players in the 9-11 saga (and other terror-related events) whose role has been ignored by the controlled corporate press.

• A plethora of damning evidence against “The Dancing Israelis,” as well as their direct link to Michael Chertoff.

• Numerous cover-ups fully exposed in regard to suspicious activity, terrorist ties, and foreknowledge by a variety of Israeli companies.

• Israel’s passport spy scandals, the military sale of classified weaponry to China, and direct espionage against the United States.

• Foreign military men speak out about 9-11 being Israeli-engineered.

• What firm was contracted to perform security at each airport terminal involved in the 9-11, and the fact that many of their former workers were employed by the IDF and Shin Bet.

• The architect for our current perpetual war (i.e. the “Clash of Civilizations”) and his New World Order anti-Arab leanings.

• Exposed: how Nazi symbolism has been very deceptively used to divert attention away from the real culprits behind 9-11 and our multiple wars in multiple theaters.

• Read how Israeli Mossad operatives trailed fall-guy Arabs across several nations and states to set them up as the new “Lee Harvey Oswalds.”

• What did Osama bin Laden really say about 9-11 and who controls the United States government?

• Finally, a crescendo of evidence proving that 9-11 was not only an inside job executed by Zionist-loyal neo-cons within the U.S. government, but also an outside job leading directly to the nation of Israel.

* * * * * * *

The new book by Victor Thorn is entitled "9-11 EVIL - Israel's Central

Role in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks". It can be ordered at, or for 6.99 plus 2.99

for S&H. The publishing house is:

Sisyphus Press

P.O. Box 10495

State Colledge, PA. 16805-0495