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The Destruction of America Deals with the destruction of the values we all consider to be America. It is happening a little more each day. but, WE can make a difference!

Deals with the destruction of the values we all consider to be America. It is happening a little more each day. but, WE can make a difference!

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am Michael Treis. I have been a writer for more than 10 years,writing hundreds of articles, sermons, and just finished on my third book, 9-11: Tragedy and Treason. I am also an ordained minister, but don’t let that slow you down.

I am NOT here to shove my "religion" down your throat. I figure if you want instruction, you will ask.I was trained in explosives courtesy of the military. I have worked assembling explosives, worked on and fired the Ft. Smith & Little Rock Ark. July 4thfireworks display 7 years running. I have also studied controlled demolition,and I do understand the principles involved in what happened on 9-11.What I am here to do is expose the things going on behind the scenes of our government, the type of stuff our controlled media won't touch. Things like the lies we’ve been told about 9-11, the Oklahoma City bombing, Waco and much, much more.This site is named after my second book,Destruction of America: Conspiracy or Consensus, the cover of which is the main picture on this page. It is available as an e-book at:

In it, I deal with many topics surrounding 9-11 and others. In it I prove the planes did NOT bring down ALL three buildings; EXPLOSIVES did. Yes, Towers 1, 2, and WTC 7 were all brought down through a controlled demolition, and I prove it, based on thorough evidence and meticulous research. The idea that we were lied to about the MURDER of 3,000 people is appalling. The knowledge that persons within our government PARTICIPATED in these events and the cover up is beyond treason. Don’t get me wrong, I am NOT anti-government, for without government there is anarchy. I am however, furious that there are people within our government, POWERFUL people who think they are above the Law, with absolutely NO accountability for their deeds. There is hope. We can make a difference. We MUST however, work together. There is strength in numbers. We must get up off the couch, turn of the TV, and get involved in our local government. The county is the cornerstone of government. We must again convene Constitutional Common Law courts. There haven’t been any since 1936 unless the people themselves convened them. We MUST bring indictments against those within our government who destroy our Rights, violate their Constitutional Oaths of Office while committing felonies, and commit such heinous acts as 9-11. We can do it. We must NEVER give up until these people are brought to justice. We CAN take this country back by working TOGETHER locally, no matter where we are in the US. We can’t, however, do this while watching our favorite soaps and sitting on our rear ends. We can stop the Destruction of America!
