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The Elephant in the Room

William Brandon Shanley

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hant in the Bush's room so many of us have been howling about for five years, perhaps now you'll feel it's safe to report on the Story of the Millennium and take a peek at and report on the veritable mountain of anomalies, any handful of which, completely shatter the government's conspiracy theory -- not to mention the Baby Elephant crying out for attention, the inexplicable collapse of 52 story Lucky WTC Building Number 7 in a few mere heartbeats longer than a free falling object.

These daily increasing anomalies from credible, passionate, politically un-aligned, Great Americans building into an historic upheaval will inevitably bring about a paradigm shift akin to the scientific revolutions described by Thomas Kuhn in the 50's (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions). Anomalies build until the old world view can no longer accommodate them, the old theory collapses and a new, more accurate world view comes into existence. This is the story of how the evolution of human concepts of reality manifest. And now we are seeing the government conspiracy theory sinking into the quicksand of anomalies out of which is arising a new, more accurate and inclusive world view which finally explains the anomalies and exposes the deceptions, the fixing of evidence, the liars and the traitors for all to see.

Mark my words on this. This "political" paradigm shift will come. It is already taking place. They have now lost the confidence of the elites. Just like the Boxer Tsunami, the Tidal Wave is virtually upon us. The Little Dutch Boy MSM and Court Gatekeepers that were doing such a fine job holding back the little trickle of facts for so long by failing to even admit they existed or take any of them on in an intellectually honest way -- making them, in essence, co-conspirators in coherence if not in a more direct causal way -- can't stem a Natural, Cataclysmic Event of these Dimensions, guaranteeing a historic, tectonic shift in domestic and global government the likes of which the planet has not witnessed since WWII.

John Dean has had it right for some time now; this is worse than Watergate. It's actually in an entirely different domain. One of High Treason the likes of which this country and, perhaps the world, have never seen.

We now see government agencies rushing out revised reports to try to dissipate the Event. How many ways can we dice the facts, isolate the conflicting evidence, to divide and conquer the opposition? Or, to foist a new "terror event" to "rock the civilizations" for sure -- this time, mind you -- with even more perfidious facility and aplomb!

Good luck guys and gals! We've seen it all before. Been there, done that. You've cried wolf too many times. The jig is up. There are too many missing tapes, missing people in control rooms, fighter planes that were sent away, missing videos, missing steel from the sites, missing indictments, missing black boxes, missing trials, missing hearings, missing oaths, missing reporting by elites, missing media criticism, missing jet engines, missing DNA -- and apparently missing evidence of any solid connection to al Queda without plying faked videos on Arab Networks with bad actors -- coupled with too many fake terror events, fake emergency responses, fake WMD, fake news, fake blips, lies, sedition and treachery finally coming into view (the outlines of which distinguish a pattern a "smoking gun" the reductionists are seeking) to stop the Event itself. And this metaview says it all. There is nothing else that can possibly explain the intricate choreography of this Mega Minuet that is so uniquely coincidental to so perfectly serve the needs of Oily Empire as the silent direction and planning by the Traitors in Control of their Precisely Contemporaneous Dirty Dozen or More War Games.

It's not the responsibility of the academicians and researchers and reporters and investigators who have been selflessly digging into this painful episode for years at their own expense and risk to prove their scenarios are correct, but only that they demonstrate how their evidence demolishes the theory and exposes the BIG LIE as impossible. We've been living through a five year bloodbath costing trillions and affecting millions around the world and at home advanced by fake reporters, fake news, fake events, fake intelligence, all produced written and directed by Bush campaigns in stolen elections and a White House that defines the term “Psyops.” These madmen and women -- and yes, I am using that term for we are looking at sociopathic, remorseless, conscienceless, soulless behavior that is destroying the heart and fabric of America -- who are rushing us gleefully into World War III, trampling our heritage and stealing our future. In shades of Nazi Germany in the 1930's, we’ve been experiencing unprecedented thought control and propaganda in mass media punctuated by an independent reporter recently dragged in by goons for questioning by Homeland Security, and academicians being suspended at their universities for their independent scholarly research and analysis for helping to expose the fakery.

Just how many lives have been lost, maimed, families shattered? These are the new victims of 9/11 – from America to Guantanamo, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, and torture prison and planes around the world.

Who are the ones who dared? How many jobs have lost, promotion denied, careers buzz-sawed? Just who are these American Heroes? When these stories are written they will become part of the new American folklore of heroism and bravery for saving the country.

But if that's not quite your cup of tea, and you're not interested in digging into the archives to show how news was changed, how stories were faked, how the government line was signed, sealed, and delivered to the media immediately after the attacks (if not planned in concert with it), how media managers were tipped off in advance so they could be in place for the big fiesta, then I suggest you take a look at the Post and NYT stories of the last couple days and show how they failed to report on a host of fascinating details that answer the questions:

"HOW WAS A DEMOLITION POSSIBLE? WHO HAD CONTROL OVER ACCESS TO SET DEMOLITION CHARGES? WHO WAS IN CHARGE OF SECURITY AT WTC?" This report below about W's brother Marvin Bush's role in the security at WTC and Dulles on 9/11 includes facts the Times and Post should know – or likely do already but aren’t taking about. Check it out with some research, follow-up, interviews, confirm the details, write a story or critique one for golly sakes!