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Book: 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA

Webster Tarplay

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better understanding of the machinery behind false-flag terror operations such as 9/11, 7/7, Madrid, etc.. Webster (with whom I happen to be personally acquainted), is a decades-long expert on international terrorism. He directed the study Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro? (Who Killed Aldo Moro?), commissioned by a member of the Italian government and published in Rome in 1978, which broke open the affiliation of the Red Brigades with the neofascist lodge P2. In “Synthetic Terror”, his latest book, Tarpley has investigated every aspect of terrorism, and his deep research over a period of some 30 years is impressive and evident throughout. His style is eloquent, his analysis, convincing, and his evidence, flabbergasting... Thomas Ascher

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Reviews of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA

by Webster Griffin Tarpley

"Step up to the big leagues – goes way beyond all other 9/11 books."

Enthusiastic 5-star reader reviews at

New York Magazine, March 2006. In this full-length feature article that was a historic break for 9/11 Truth movement, Webster Tarpley and his 9/11 Synthetic Terror take center stage. Online at NY Magazine or printer- friendly Word document.

"Immensely learned book" - Dr. Stephen Grossman

"Fascinating... required reading" -, "Webster Griffin Tarpley Graces St. Marks Church."

"A devastating judgment - a totally new genre." Endorsements by prominent 9/11 researchers, authors and activists.

Author Bill Hare: Webster Tarpley on the Real Causes of 9/11

"An indispensable work... surpasses in overall importance everything else ... precise insight... fascinating... to be admired for seeing through the smoke and mirrors... Tarpley’s ambitious undertaking demolishes the accepted mainstream media and political explanation of events... a needed wakeup call to Americans at a pivotal period of history when the maniacal and predatory actions of neoconservatives, with many focused in the ranks of the Project for the New American Century, threaten the world with nuclear extinction." Review at

More Rave Reviews:

After having read tons of books on 9/11/01, viewed many films about 9/11, Webster's book comes out and blows them all away! Unless you read Webster's book 9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made in USA you won't be able to truly understand terrorism and what really happened on 9/11. Unless you do, it will happen again and again. This book goes beyond the skin-deep research by many on 9/11 and gets to the heart of the problem - the people behind and puppeting our government. Amazing book. A must read.

- Radio talk-show host and author Meria Heller

9/11 Synthetic Terror is by far the best and most comprehensive study of the 9/11 "attacks" in print. In debunking the "myth of the century" Tarpley also places 9/11 into an historical context replete with countless precedents of other synthetic terror. The event of 9/11 is not to be seen as a single day of horror, but rather as act of desperation to halt the decline of Anglo- American dominance and as pretext for world war that is preferable to a certain demise of that power.

A must read for all in the face of creeping global Fascism.

– Greg Nixon, activist

Tarpley crafts an integrated point of view that is not duplicated in scope by anyone else that I am currently aware of. His first-hand investigations into intelligence operations, combined with a cross-disciplinary grasp of history, philosophy and European politics yields rare insights into the phenomena of 9/11. Who else, in a book like this, would report on statements made after 9/11 by the leading recognized PHILOSOPHERS in the West (after all, they ought to be relevant) and show how their inadequate responses predict a widespread conceptual incarceration.

What I love about Tarpley is his sense of civilization – both its deep roots and its vulnerability. There are a couple of amazing paragraphs on page 347, for example, where he references "Plato's Cave" as he articulates a rational preference for Platonic values (truth, beauty, goodness) and dialectic thought over the empiricism of John Locke and its "naive epistemology of sense certainty." He goes on to show how this relates to the mass gullibility in the English speaking world to the deceptions of 9/11.

With Tarpley, it's all about people. His dissection of the neocon lineage with its cast of characters and Nazi progenitors is critical background to understanding the frightening conceptual framework that would give permission to 9/11 as an "okay" thing to do. The stories about Abe Lincoln and why he is a valuable role-model for 9/11 truth are pure Tarpley at his best.

So many superlatives that could be applied to this book that it is hard to know where to begin. The "Networks of Interest" chapter is the best summary inventory of the craziness we're up against that I have seen anywhere. And another of my favorite passages starts on p. 395 where Webster talks about the value imperatives that are shared, not only by the great religious traditions, but by also by "secularists of good will." The specific historic examples of policy that are consistent with these imperatives provide a stirring reminder that we don't have to be living under a nightmare death- wish masquerading as foreign policy.

– Chuck Thurston, researcher

Editorial Review:

The thesis of Webster Tarpley's 911 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA has been enthusiastically received with its working model of the 9/11 plot: a rogue network of moles, patsies, and a commando cell in the privatized intelligence services, backed by corrupt political and corporate media elites.

Buttressed by historical examples like the Baader-Meinhof Gang and the Gunpowder Plot, this model makes it clear how such a monstrous false-flag or self-terror exploit is possible even under a largely benign government. That paradox is the incredibility gap that has made most Americans reject the evidence about 9/11 as paranoid fantasy.

Tarpley brings decades of expertise to the 9/11 issue. Already in 1978 he had exposed the terrorist Red Brigades as patsies of Italy's fascist P2 shadow government, and 9/11 is on the same pattern. The forthright subtitle, Made in USA, is backed up by an analysis of key figures who behave like moles working for the rogue network or parallel government.

9/11 Synthetic Terror highlights the salient points of sheer physical impossibility of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory. It then analyzes the psychological traits which make Anglo-American society gullible to artificial enemy images and unable to grasp the truth of 9/11.

Understanding how synthetic terror works, we see the weakness of the muddled "blowback" or vengeance theories of terrorism and the spurious leads to Pakistan or Saudi Arabia that have marred many critiques of 9/11. Historically, Tarpley finds, terrorist activity above the most amateur level is always sponsored or at the very least infiltrated by state secret services: a shattering conclusion. Tarpley's model makes it clear that figures like Osama bin Laden are patsies or double agents who were selected for their ethnic coloring as the basis for launching a "Clash of Civilizations," and it is absurd to imagine that such tools of US intelligence agencies could turn around and infiltrate or overwhelm US defenses unaided.

9/11 Synthetic Terror is also firmly grounded in Great Power geopolitics. It shows that the wars on the Islamic world, the Soviet-Afghan, Kosovo and Chechen conflicts, as well as US-UK-NATO synthetic terror incidents like 9/11, Beslan, 3/11 in Madrid or 7/7 in London, have been contrived to continue the Cold War, in pursuit of the centuries-long campaign for Anglo hegemony over Eurasia and the world.

For a principled refutation of the 9/11 propaganda myth in all its parts, Tarpley's work is indispensable.


Reviews by Amazon readers...

Words cannot express what an inspiring, exciting event I attended on September 11, 2004 in New York City...

Webster Tarpley gave a superb talk. Mr. Tarpley has a book that will be released in October called 9/11 Synthetic Terrorism Myth of the Twenty-first Century. This book explores the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 as an example of state-sponsored, false-flag terrorism, carried out by a rogue network within the US government - a rogue network which is the current form of the invisible government behind the Iran-contra scandal of 1986-88. Because of the constraints of time, Mr. Tarpley could only touch briefly on the roles of patsies, moles, expert professionals, the controlled corporate media and a privatized command center, as he showed how the empirical evidence around 9/11 made sense. Tarpley demonstrated that the official accounts of the Pentagon crash, the fall of the Twin Towers, the fall of WTC 7, and the crash of United 93 in Shanksville are physically impossible, and the idea that "four misfit highjackers" could pilot commercial jets is beyond the bounds of physical and technical reality.


A remarkable look under the skin of the lurid scarecrow figure of modern terrorism to reveal the bones and sinews of a man-made monster, one with very direct genetic links to the Bader-Meinhof gang and the "strategy of tension" deployed after WW-II to justify the militarization of society and the targeting of selected groups. Once society gets used to the idea that odd little groups or demented individuals occasionally pull off spectacular attacks, the mask of any desired target group (leftists, hippies, Arabs) can be easily fitted to the patsy who will be blamed for the attack.


The National Security State needs its terrorists, and leaves nothing to chance in their care and feeding. By revealing the mundane operational details of these programs, and the continuity over time of both the strategies and the personnel involved, Tarpley brings these deliberately shadowy enterprises into the realm of normal human activities. In this view, the series of staged events leading up to 9-11 (Waco, the Murrah building and all the rest) comes into clear focus as the successive elaborations of the same schema on an ever larger scale.


The use of visible patsies to focus blame, the networks of moles that protect and manage them, the aggressive coverups with blatent destruction of evidence and violent suppression of potential whistle-blowers, the fake investigations and popular press debunking... the pattern repeats with remarkable consistency, and the growing boldness of a cabal that has tasted success and has so far crushed all those who have tried to reveal the extent of their crimes.


Tarpley's deep knowledge of the Bush family and NATO secret terror operations in Europe make him the ideal historian to put the distinctly post-WW-II phenomenon of synthetic terrorism in it's proper historical perspective, and in so doing he in effect does create a new field of historical inquiry. This is truly an important work, written with great precision and elegance.


Tarpley does pay homage to other authors of alternative scenarios, such as David Ray Griffin - who logically dismantled the myth of lack of Government complicity in 9/11 - but he also goes much, much deeper...dismissing both Barbara Honneger's assertion that Khalid Sheikh Mohommed was the triple agent responsible for enabling the plotters to threaten Air Force One ("Angel Is Next") with codes that would show unequivocally that the plotters had access to all Gov't codes and meant business, and also dismissing Mike Ruppert's "Peak Oil" theory as too much of a rational approach (under the circumstances...) Let it be said that Tarpley is his own man, and his assertion that 9/11 was a "Neocon" putsch, aided by the still active 'Dulles-Landsdale-Lemnitzer" networks, is eerily documented piece by piece and makes perfect sense. He feels that the message sent threatening Air Force One (the "Angel Is Next" message sent in that day's specific code) is the key to unraveling who the plotters were. As a previous review stated...step up to the big leagues. This book is the World Series of alternative explanations, and by far the best book on 9/11 to date. That said, I would recommend Griffin's book first to those who are just starting to reach out for other explanations. Going from A-Z on this one can be mindnumbing and even counterproductive to a point. Get a solid grip on alternate scenarios to the "official version first, then by all means READ THIS ONE.


Few days ago, I was sitting in the cockpit of 767 (jump seat) during approach to an airport. Approaching speed was about 220k. At altitude of 3000 feet, buildings seems very, very small. I own CPL and 300 hours (so I know what I'm talking about). The windshield of 767 is very narrow and visibility is limited. Imagine now that you are speeding with 500 mph, at 1000 feets sea level and making complex turns to hit a building that is a 50 meters wide. These guys had less flying experience than me and such a "adventure" with manual control over 767 is impossible. Even for a 767 instructor, it would be difficult task.

Let's go back to the book. It's writen in very simple, comprehensive and easy to read style. It' also up to date, covering stories from recent tragedies in Beslan and Madrid. Let us take it this way. If you were in position of the shadow government with agenda of conqueror the world, you will also think to find dirty methods of deception. And that's what happen. Like non american, it is maybe easier for me to accept the none offical story of 9/11. And this will be my message to American readers: Open your mind, read this book and read it again. People in the rest of the world don't hate Americans. They hate the methodology of your government. After reading this book, you'll do the same. This book is 5 stars worth.