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9/11 Was An Inside Job and a

Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom

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history- and it’s destined to fall sooner or later.

Historian Webster Tarpley

The bigger the lie, the more readily people will believe it.

Adolf Hitler

9/11 is in the hands of people who insult our intelligence at every level.

This stuff doesn’t stand up to the most casual examination.

It’s like any of these vast, elaborate attempts to terrorize our people:

Any free examination of the evidence on its merits exposes what’s at work.

Ralph Schoenmann, 2004

If the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched.

George H. W. Bush

You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

Abraham Lincoln

All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; second, it is violently opposed; and third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer


Abstract 3

Introduction: Nature of the Crime 4

Blueprint of the Global Domination 6

Geopolitical and Global Economic Context for 9/11 8

Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories 13

9/11 as Psychological Operation; the Media as Propaganda Machine 13

I) Some of the “Big Lies” of 9/11 15

II) Terror Alerts based on Fabricated Intelligence 19

9/11: Evidence of an Inside Job 20

I) Total Stand-down of U.S. Air Defenses on 9/11 20

II) Controlled Demolition of WTC Buildings 1, 2, and 7 22

Background Information on the WTC 22

Evidence for Controlled Demolitions 23

Government/Media Explanations for the Collapses 32

III) Remotely-controlled, non-commercial Aircraft

Hit the Twin Towers 33

IV) A Missile and Military Aircraft Hit the Pentagon 34

V) The Hoax of Flight 93 37

VI) The Patsies: Osama Bin Laden and the Alleged Hijackers 38

VII) Foreknowledge of the Attacks; Insider Trading and Looting 41

VIII) Anthrax Letters and the USA PATRIOT ACT 43

IX) Vice President Cheney’s Role 43

X) Ptech Computer Software, Corporate-government

Connections, and the Terrorism/drug Economy 44

XI) More Smoking Guns 46

XII) Environmental Crimes of the White House and EPA

at Ground Zero 49

The Cover-up: Obstruction of Justice by the Bush Administration 50

I) Destruction of Evidence 51

II) Damage Control 52

III) Official “Investigations”- The 9/11 “Omission” Commission 52

The Role of the New World Order and External Collaborators 57

Summary and Conclusions 63

Bibliography and References 67

Books 67

Journal Articles 71

Videos and DVDs 72

Some Websites 73

Appendix A: Basis for Legal Proceedings 74


While overwhelming evidence indicates 9/11 was an inside job, even the FBI now admits that no credible evidence points to Osama bin Laden and the 19 alleged “terrorists” as perpetrators. No trial or impartial investigation of the crime has yet occurred. In fact, the official 9/11 story, that 19 alleged hijackers with box-cutters fooled the best military/defense system in the world, is itself an outrageous conspiracy theory. Certainly these men, at least six of whom are still alive, lacked the motivation and the ability to carry out the attacks by themselves. Certainly, 9/11 was not an “intelligence failure,” as the government/media complex has characterized it. Rather, 9/11 was an elaborate hoax, a staged “war pretext incident,” engineered to fool the American people into accepting wars of aggression abroad as well as a rollback of their civil liberties. As such, 9/11 is a typical example of “state-sponsored, false-flag terrorism” and a covert, “black op” orchestrated by rogue elements within the U.S. government. It is “false-flag” because it was blamed on a political target group, the Muslims.

The operation was carried out mainly by individuals who have infiltrated the highest levels of government, military, and intelligence agencies in the U.S., as well as those of Britain, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan, among others. It involved extremely sophisticated coordination and some of the most advanced technologies available. Certainly, standard emergency U.S. air defense procedures were suspended to allow some kind of aircraft, most probably remote-controlled military aircraft, to hit the WTC and the Pentagon. The extraordinarily solid, steel-framed WTC buildings 1, 2, and 7 could only have disintegrated by controlled demolition, a considerable engineering feat.

The massive cover-up of 9/11 crimes by the government/media propaganda complex continues today with the major media blitz on the fifth anniversary of the event designed to mobilize popular support for war with Iran. Five years later, it still provides the justification for the entire Bush agenda, including the endless “war on terrorism” and the shredding of the U.S. Constitution. The phony “war on terrorism” (actually “war of terrorism”) itself is a pretext for global domination abroad, repeal of civil liberties at home, and establishment of a global police state. Their next target of opportunity is Iran, mainly because of its strategic location and oil reserves.

9/11 was also a psychological operation of terror against the American people. The “secret government” that carried out the crimes of 9/11 is not loyal to the U.S. Constitution, but rather to a corrupt, private, international, corporate/banking network. The global, corporate dictatorship, or “New World Order” they seek is not compatible with democracy or with civil liberties. Only by deconstructing the official myth and exposing the “Big Lies” of 9/11 and the phony “war on terrorism” will Americans be able to halt the slide toward dictatorship and hold onto their democracy and their country. This process is also necessary in order to identify and bring the real perpetrators of 9/11 to justice. Psychologically, many Americans resist accepting the truth of what happened on 9/11 because of its frightening implications. However, the alternative is to continue sleepwalking toward apocalyptic world war in the Middle East, the establishment of a global dictatorship and police state, and a loss of all our civil liberties.

The Republican Party has stolen the last two presidential elections (Miller, 2005; Greenwald, 2002), controls all branches of government, and constitutes a fascist, criminal syndicate controlled by international financial powers. It may now be vain to hope for justice via traditional legal processes. Thus, it seems like an opportune moment for Americans to get informed, get organized, reclaim their rights as citizens, and take their country back.

Introduction: Nature of the Crime

In July, 2006, a poll conducted by the Scripps Survey Center indicated that over a third (36%) of Americans believe that government officials helped orchestrate the 9/11 attacks in order to justify war in the Middle East (Rocky Mountain News, 8/3/2006). Interestingly, the reporters of the article spun this as an indication that Americans are angry with their government and never considered the possibility that 9/11 was an inside job. Zogby polls in 2004 had already showed that 63% of Canadians and over half of New Yorkers believed the U.S. government had foreknowledge of the attacks and thus, was complicit in the crime and its subsequent cover-up. On this fifth anniversary of the event, we can clearly see that 9/11 has been a “turning point,” or “pivot point” in history and that it is still being used to galvanize popular support for Bush’s “war on terrorism.” However, since Rex Tomb, the Chief of Investigative Publicity at the FBI, recently admitted that “the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11” (Muckraker Report, 6/10/06), these issues are worth revisiting.

In the past five years, even as the government/corporate-controlled media complex has done everything in its power to cover up the real nature of the 9/11 crimes, a flood of independent researchers have produced thousands of books, articles, documentaries, and websites dedicated to uncovering the truth of what happened on 9/11 (see References below). International citizen’s inquiries have convened in Berlin, Germany in 2003, in San Francisco, Toronto, and New York City in 2004, and in Chicago and Los Angeles in 2006; citizen’s grand juries have been held in Los Angeles in 2004 and 2005 and New York City in 2004, and many other conferences and demonstrations have also been held all over the world. Today, at least two journals, Journal of 9/11 Studies (published by “Scholars for 9/11 Truth”) and Global Outlook (a Canadian publication), are dedicated primarily to discovering of the truth of what happened on 9/11.

The collective efforts of these individuals and groups have unearthed a staggering and overwhelming amount of evidence that proves that the official 9/11 story is a preposterous lie, a myth. Thus, the “war on terrorism” itself is also a fraud. This evidence, much of which is presented here, proves that:

1) The three World Trade Center buildings came down by controlled demolition (Hufschmid, 2002; Firmage, 2006; Legge, 2006a, 2006b; Jones, 2006). Also, enormous profits were made by corporate and political insiders with foreknowledge of the attacks (Flocco, 2001).

2) The attacks were orchestrated, executed, and covered-up by criminal elements within the American government that have infiltrated and now control many key government agencies, including the White House, the U.S. military, the intelligence agencies, and even Congress (Tarpley, 2006).

3) The radical “neo-conservative” cabal in the White House answers to a “world shadow government,” a private, international, rogue network that also controls most of the world’s financial and media institutions as well other governments/intelligence agencies, etc., most notably those of England, Israel, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia (Tarpley, 2006).

4) This “secret government” rules through fear, terror, torture, secrecy, propaganda and lies. The goal of this criminal syndicate is to establish a global corporate dictatorship as well as to destroy nation states, democracies, and civil liberties. Historian Webster Tarpley (2006) identifies this “rogue network,” concluding:

We are living in the twilight of the Anglo-American world order, a system of planetary domination by the Whig financier faction since just after 1700. This system had certain positive features, but it has now become a barrier to human progress, and it is past time for it to exit the world scene.

5) 9/11 itself was a psychological attack (a “psy-op”) on the American people (Barrett, 2006; Rushkoff, 1999). This pivotal event forms the pretext used by the “global corporatocracy” to advance their agenda of endless (and profitable) wars and global domination (“full spectrum dominance”) by controlling space and cyberspace, and imposing a global police state.

Tarpley (2006) demonstrates that 9/11 was a textbook example of “false-flag, state-sponsored terrorism.” As such, it needs to be understood as one of a long, bloody succession of “synthetic terror” events staged by imperial governments (i.e., empires) in order to frighten their citizen’s into supporting wars of conquest abroad1 and relinquishing their civil liberties. 9/11 constitutes a “false-flag” operation because Arabs, a political target group, were made to appear as the perpetrators, but were not.

Tarpley’s 9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made in USA (2006) describes the four-fold organizational structure government’s use to carry out this kind of covert “black-op/psy-op,” as follows:

1) A network of moles (in this case, Vice President Cheney, Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld, Joint Chiefs of Staff General Myers, etc.) organizes, facilitates, and helps cover up the crime.

1 Among the many examples of false-flag, state-sponsored, staged “terrorist” events are the deliberate sinking of the Maine as pretext for the Spanish-American War, the sinking of the Luisitania to help instigate U.S. involvement in World War I, Hitler’s burning of the Riechstag or German Parliament Building in 1933 as a pretext for consolidating his imperial powers, Pearl Harbor in 1941 as pretext for American entry into World War II, the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 as pretext or “trigger” to escalate the war against Vietnam, etc., etc.

2) Designated patsies (in this case, Mohammed Atta and the other 18 alleged “terrorists”) are carefully handled and made to appear as if they executed the crime.

3) Professional killers (from intelligence agencies, special forces, etc.) actually commit the crime.

4) The corporate-controlled media provides mass propaganda that supports the official explanation, despite its inevitable absurdities, etc.

This same organizational structure has been utilized again and again by governments to fabricate synthetic terrorist attacks all over the world2 (Tarpley, 2006). Any hope of dismantling the emerging global corporate dictatorship must begin by dismantling the myths and lies, such as the official 9/11 myth, that support it.

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