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Codename Grillfire

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. The purpose of the Study was to Identify Security Lapses and Submit Corrective Actions to the US Congress; on September 11,2001 the Security Lapses that were used to carry out the Attacks were the same ones that were submitted to the US Congress for Correcting "25 Years" before.

In June 2002 I took a polygraph exam in concerns to my taking part in this US Military Study, it was given by a Mr.Weller who is a Retired Canadian Army Officer who was trained by the US Army as a Military Polygraph Examiner and the Exam I was given is the same one that the US Government uses; I met the US Government's Standard for telling the Truth and Passed. The results are posted along with other information about the Study and my 3 year effort to get this into the media and to the General Public.

There is more information from this US Military Study than is on the my website; some hasnot been put online yet and some is the information that the other participants from the Study have. Sgt.Riggs told me one day that he and the others had their Wives and Children Threatened by the US Government with retalitory acts if they were to release their information to the media; but, he said that if I could Break the US Congressional Censorship of the Study's information and get it into the media first that they would come forward and tell what they know. I have listed some of their names online, would you help locate them so that they can give their testimony about the US Military Study that the Democrats and Republicans Commissioned and Conducted to Improve US Air Travel Security in 1976.

As I stated I was an Enlistedman in the Army durring this Study, so I am able to provide you with the information that Enlistedmen were given (I have been asked about information that was part of the Sargents and Officers Duties in the Study; this information will have to come from the Sargents and Officers who took part.) and my own personal activities durring the Study. There were about 100 People from my Unit, I am just one of the Enlistedmen who took part; so I can confirm that this Democratic - Republican Political Party US Congressional Commissioned Military Study took place, what Questions I and the others were asked when I was present and the Non-Resindable Orders that I was given to get this information to the American People if the World Trade Center Twin Towers was ever Attacked in the Manner in which we discussed in the Study.

I explain these Orders in my Affidavit that I gave for the RICO Lawsuit that was filed for Ellen Mariani against the Bush Administration in November 2003 as well as in my WWU Presentation Video.

The information that you need to take away with you is that the Democrats and the Republicans Knew that US Air Travel Security needed to be Improved in 1976 when They conducted this Study to do just that, Improve US Air Travel Security in 1976; They had sufficient information to Remedy the Identified and Known Security Lapses with the Corrective Actions that were sent to the US Congress; and that They had Billions of Dollars in US Tax Payer's Money and 25 Years to "Just Begin" to Implement the Security Upgrades and Improvements from Their Own Study to Improve US Air Travel Security. And, "After all, 25 Years is; a Quarter of a Century" and if the Democrats and Republicans couldnot Act upon Their #1 US Governmental Priority "National Security" in that amount of Time, It is "Not" an International Legal Reason for any Military Action let alone a Democratic - Republican Political Party 100 Year World War.