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Global Hawk Hit The Pentagon?

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that hit the Pentagon and 'Global Hawk'

The bottom two images are taken from the first frame of the Pentagon 'Security' video

'A' is a photograph of a Global Hawk with an outlined top profile. 'B' is a Boeing 757 or so we are told.

The profiles of 'A' and 'B' are remarkably similar, perhaps more so if we take into account the poor quality of the supplied footage and perhaps the combination of grey and white livery which is common to the Global Hawk fleet. The idea behind the use of contrasting colours is to confuse the observer, this was used during various conflicts to hide the profiles of various Naval ships.

Historic use of Camouflage (Above) Modern Day Aerial Camouflage (Below)

Frame 5 of the Pentagon Supplied Footage is also worthy of closer inspection

It is a well known fact in the aviation community that one of the most survivable parts of an aircraft following a crash is the tail section. Picture 1 is a close up taken from frame 5 of the security video. In particular if we look closely at the two largest pieces of debris (Items 2 & 3) There is more than just a close likeness to images 4 & 5. Picture 2 shows what appears to be the 'V' tail section being thrown over the Pentagon by the blast. Picture 3 appears to show a Global Hawk fuselage minus the 'V' as illustrated in picture 5

Look at the yellow outline taken from the picture above

Is this the piece of debris from picture 3?

Remember, If you were lied to about the Pentagon, then what does that say about the rest of that tragic day?

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