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The 9-11 Commission's Only Purpose Was To Provide Rationale For Consolidating All Police and Intelligence Into Stalinist NKVD-Type Agency

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competition and mutural policing of agencies.

The strategy assumes that it is impossible for an enemy or criminal forces to infiltrate such an organization -- as though the only threats a government could face would be an external one. But suppose an enemy were to capture the leadership of the single monster organization -- THERE WOULD BE NO OTHER ORGANIZATION TO DETECT THE BREACH, TO INVESTIGATE THE INFILTRATION, TO MOVE AGAINST IT -- THE NATION WOULD INSTANTLY BE CAPTIVE OF THIS RENEGADE SUPER POLICE-STATE AGENCY -- WHICH OF COURSE IS THE WHOLE IDEA.

Clearly the only purpose of the Commission was to supply a rational for this liberticidal consolidation is to prevent all indpendent investigation of the organized crime forces that already are in control.

The 9-11 frame-up was intended to justify wars, but also to build the police state apparatus that would make dictation over the lives and economic existence of the population total -- the 9-11 commission merely finishes what was started with the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Acts.
