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May 21, 2007 9/11: The elephant that will not leave

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9/11: The elephant that will not leave

Nearly six years after the attacks of Sept. 11, the issue remains undiminished, lumbering around as American leaders still pretend it does not exist.

But the doors of truth, once guarded by ridicule, have slowly parted to reveal reasonable, rational lingering questions that cannot be dismissed by scoffing. Local area activists have joined a nationwide movement that has propelled the memory of 9/11 into political arenas that once regarded the topic taboo. On Thursday, Southern Oregon University will host David Ray Griffin, a highly regarded theologian and the author of three books questioning the Bush administration's explanation of 9/11.

This local interest, as part of a compelling new level of national interest, shows the issue is pushing its way into mainstream interest.

A Zogby International poll < an agency frequently sourced by media outlets < said half of all New Yorkers believe the U.S. allowed the attacks. Nearly two-thirds believe an unfettered investigation is warranted.

Also entering into the fight for truth is our own Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, whose legislative call for the Central Intelligence Agency to open its investigative reports on 9/11 (reported May 17 by The Associated Press) has raised the ire of his colleagues. Joining together with Jay Rockefeller, D-W. Va, and Kit Bond, D-Mo., Wyden's legislation would require the CIA to declassify its executive summary in one month and submit a report explaining why any material was withheld.

Although initially dismissed as crackpot theory [by mass controlled media], the truth-seeker's movement has continually gained momentum since the dust cloud from the fallen twin towers seemingly covered the investigative instincts of our national media, which in turn, ignored a third building collapsing in exactly the same manner.

Almost two years later, public outcry finally forced the government to establish the 9/11 Commission as an investigative authority. Four New Jersey widows whose husbands died in the towers created enormous pressure on the federal government.

Despite initial hope, the president's commission became regarded as a hoax by the widows and many others. The truth movement took on new life in the aftermath of the incomplete 9/11 Commission report. In the wake of a wave of distortions and omissions by the government, a number of credible educators and experts in a wide variety of fields have formed groups and organizations seeking to penetrate the stonewall.

The truth movement has now emerged from the caverns of obscurity into the limelight.

Last year, The Tidings called for an open and complete investigation into the questions surrounding the 9/11 mysteries. We believe our nation owes that much to the innocent victims that died that day and to the troops deployed to the Middle East based upon the Bush administration's explanations of the events of 9/11. If the White House has nothing to hide, then why has it been so determined to dodge issues and questions posed by the people?

We renew that call today. We don't pretend to know the truth, but we insist that the whole truth will only be known when newspapers around the country join us in demanding complete openness from our government.

In the meantime, every American interested in truth would do well to revisit this painful issue.

Locally, Griffin's speech at SOU promises to be a good starting point < a forum where we hope many in our community will participate in peaceful candid dialogue. -----------------

Onward, thru the fog to the light!

for 911TruthNow!