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Confronting the Evidence: 911 and the Search For Truth

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*If the beginning seems cut off, it's because a few opening remarks were edited out. (see below)

It ends abruptly because someone held up a sign saying my time was up, and I had come to the end

of my Powerpoint outline, so I more or less just stopped talking.

From Annotations, part 1

"First a few comments about Confronting the Evidence: it was arranged on very short notice, only three weeks, and so was a bit rough around the edges. There were a lot of technical glitches, especially with the audio in the first half, and a long delay in getting the computer booted up for my presentation (which Christopher Bollyn, a last-minute addition to the panel, filled in with an excellent discussion of the site "cleanup" and molten metal anomalies). My own involvement began only about a week in advance, and there was only time for me to put together a verbal presentation without the supporting graphics that I would have very much liked to include. Last minute additions to the panels limited me to a 10-12 minute presentation anyway, which would not have left room for a meaningful analysis of photos or videos along with a discussion of the limitations of the collapse models which was the core of my presentation."

The third link below deals with the question of mechanism, which I emphasized in the talk without actually explaining the concept and why it is so important. This notion of a sequence of definable events is basic to proposing a collapse model: first one thing happens, then the next, then the next, and at each step there must be a plausible link of causation from one step to the next. Otherwise we are left with proof by computer animation, or mathematical models along the lines of this classic Sidney Harris cartoon: (Go to:

Annotations to my talk: (To read these Annotations go to the website listed for this article.)

The Annotated PowerPoint, part 1

Annotations part 2: Fire Intensity

Part 3: What failed and how?

The Ongoing NIST Investigation

The Original PowerPoint Presentation

Biographical Note:

PlaguePuppy is the nom-de-net of Jeff King, a 60ish former electrical engineer - graduated from MIT, class of '74 with a combined Biology-EE major, worked for about eight years in electronics and electro-mechanical engineering. At the moment, and for about the past 25 years, I have been working as a family physician, doing office-based primary care in rural central California.

Since 9-11 I have been deeply involved with collecting, analyzing and making available to the public and other researchers as much as I could find of the photo and video evidence of the World Trade Center collapses.

The name PlaguePuppy, for those who may be curious, derives from several sources: an awful pop-science fiction novel called The Plague Dogs that I admit to having barely skimmed, an extremely good book called Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban that features the Bernt Arse dog pack as a major character, and an old beach towel of mine with the cartoon characters the Pound Puppies on it.

The intended reference was to the post-apocalypse landscape that is the true but hidden terrain of our shared world, the moral wasteland of our Enlightenment dream turned nightmare. As in Hoban's post-apocalypse world, the wasteland is traversed by the restless and inquiring spirit of our intrepid friend, following the scent trails that lead back to the truth about the 1 Big 1. And plague dog because I see him as the carrier of the viral meme of truth, the truth that will make us miserable before it sets us free, the truth that struggles to be born from within the heart of language itself, that most ancient and cunning of technologies, with its innate longing to speak of things as they really are.