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Veteran Airline Pilot Challenges Official 911 story

Dave vonKleist

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nes pilot challenged the official story of the 9/11 attacks by stating that “ground effect” would have “...prevented even a seasoned expert pilot from flying a 757 into the 1st floor of the Pentagon”.

He went on to say that it is his belief that the damage seen in photographs and video footage of the e-ring before the collapse is “more consistent with a missile strike.”

“Joseph” (name withheld due to fear of reprisal) also stated on “The Power Hour” radio program with Dave vonKleist that it is his belief that the plane that hit the South Tower was not a 767, Flight 175 as was reported, “…it appears to be a 737.”

He agrees with other airline pilots and Air Force officers who have stated, “The planes were substituted.”

The entire interview can be heard online at:

Dave vonKleist’s letter of inquiry to Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld’s office was met with a letter of non-response to the questions raised by the photographic and video evidence discussed on the program.

As a result of the continued stonewalling and avoidance of these issues, a growing number of airline pilots, scholars, professors, physicists and military experts are coming forward to dispute the official story of hijackers flying planes into targets on 9/11, and are adding credence to the charge of an “inside job”.

The photographic and video evidence referred to is contained in the documentary, “911 In Plane Site”, produced by Dave vonKleist and Power Hour Productions. .

The film, directed by William Lewis, had been screened in theaters in Australia, and has been aired on television in Malasia, Venezuela, Japan, Australia, Denmark, Austria, Poland and the U.S.


The Power Hour

Joyce Riley & Dave vonKleist


Feedback from a gentleman who distributes through a vast global email network...

Dear Nila:

Thank you for your report on the 9/11 symposium in Los Angeles.

It took sixty years to unravel the crimes of Pearl Harbor and to establish the culpability of Franklin D. Roosevelt and his administration. It will take less than six years to do the same for what the NEOCONS and PNAC called "the new Pearl Harbor." The groundswell of public indignation continues to grow. We will soon see the day that these soulless, sociopathic, power-drunk murderers are exposed and brought to justice.

I will circulate your message to everyone on my list and encourage them to forward this message to friends and family. I also encourage everyone to get a copy of the DVD "Loose Change", copy it and then pass it on. Tomorrow night be sure to tune into C-SPAN and listen to the panel on 911. Remember, there are good and decent men and women all over the world who are laying there careers and professional lives on the line for this powerful movement.

It takes a lot of courage to "stand in the door." The least you can do is turn off the television, listen to what they are saying, and then make up your own mind. Be informed. Be aware. Nothing less than the future of your country is at stake.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson.

All the best,
