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Video Evidence Of Pre-Collapse Explosions At WTC

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lease together with many other evidences.

This is what I just DISCOVERED:


The FBI and the Medias deliberate FAKED the TIMELINE of many "Pre-Collapse- Explosion- events" at the WTC - in order to

cover up, that "BOMBS inside" and "BOMBS below" the WTC were detonated at Streetlevel and in the BASEMENT- PRIOR to both the Tower collapses.

We already have many evidences of this ,........ - but last week I found ,.....TWO New:


A New Video Discovery from "abc?" - shows that a journalist man (and a female abc-journalist!?) are running up the street - away from the WTC, and finally ends up hiding behind a car.

QUESTION: Why did they run away from the WTC ?

The Media showed this video on Sept. 11 and told us all, that these persons on the video ran away from WTC because the Tower had just begun collapsing.

That is a Lie !

FACT: They ran away because they heard an explosion and saw the dust cloud from this detonation taking place at STREET LEVEL. The dust cloud came from a bomb detonated at the Street Level (or below) - and certainly not from the falling Tower debris ! (Because at this point both towers were still standing)


The medias did not play the original soundtrack of these BOMBS being detonated. The Medias CENSORED both the PICTURES and the SOUND of this particular clip.


I have seen this "run away journalist clip" mixed into other WTC collapse sequences. Both ABC/CNN and many other TV stations made this fake-mix. That is EVIDENCE of FRAUD ! They are deliberately FAKING the Videorecord and the TIMELINE of the WTC events!


I found a special version of the Clip were the "editors" forgot to "cut away" in their "video mix" ,...... which mean that in a second or two at the end of the Clip,.....the camera is "panning from behind a Car", and in the direction from North towards South,..............and there you go:



They were NOT running away from falling Tower debris...

No, they ran away from,........ a Huge BOMB detonated at STREET LEVEL !


Another Clip with huge dustclouds from the PRIOR EXPLOSIONS at the WTC STREET LEVEL - also shows People running away from the WTC

MEDIA-MANIPULATION of videoclip #2 :

Also this clip was FAKED by the MEDIAS. They did not want the TV viewers to understand that this was an additional Street-Explosion. This clip#2 showed a Dust cloud from at BOMB detonated at Street Level. But the medias have mixed this clip ALONG with OTHER collapse Sequences - so that they FIRST showed the Tower collapsing with debris falling, and then they MIXED IN and "put in" the said "other Clip #2" along with their COLLAPSE sequences. (That is deliberately faking the evidence)

Consequence of this Manipulation:

All the TV viewers were manipulated to believe that the people they saw running on the street were running away from the fallling TOWER debris. But they were not! They were running away from a BOMB just being detonated at Streetlevel.


I have measured the DURATION of the clip (in seconds) and the EVIDENCE is indisputable. If we compare with other videoclips from the Real collapse of 2WTC then we can prove that the "real debris-cloud" generated from the Tower collapse filled the "NAMED Street",.... Totally with SMOKE from Debris in less than 5 seconds. (I can tell this for sure because I followed and AMBULANCE moving in the Streets,.......the ambulance arrived just as the #2 WTC collapsed and the driver managed to back away,............before the debris cloud hit it. My calculation is indisputable and correct) WATCH the video!

On the OTHER clip (That with the Explosion) the firefighters and other spectators had more than 25 seconds - before the CLOUD reached them. And you can even see a man with a camera ,....WALKING BACK,..... TOWARDS the DUST CLOUD ! He walked back because this Dust cloud was not in rapid motion. Around him were numerous of other persons who did not run away. Had this been falling debris - then the cloud would have hit them in less than 5 seconds. Eyewitness have explained that the dustclouds from falling Tower debris created a rapid "dust speed" of up to 50 mph close to WTC. But the clip #2 dust cloud moved very slow because it was not caused by falling debris.


The real "Tower collapse DEBRIS Cloud" was in rapid motion when it hit the street. Some say that it went as fast as 80km/hour (No man can run that fast). But the "dust cloud from the EXPLOSION" (clip#2) in contrary was VERY slow and not dangerous at all , because nothing had collapsed yet.


This clearly shows that the FBI/MEDIAS covered up that BOMBS were detonated at Streetlevel ,...........several seconds (or minutes?) BEFORE the collapse! One or more CAMERAMEN must be involved in this Scam,..........or they are more stupid than the POLICE allows one to be !!!?? Please circulate this astonishing NEW Video Timeline EVIDENCE !

Best Regards,

Henrik Melvang

Danish scientist and author
