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US 9/11 Group Seeks Aid of Dr Mahathir Mohammed

Sim Leoi Leoi

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“But when the report came out, none of my testimony appeared,” said a disappointed Rodriguez, who is now with a team that is campaigning worldwide to force the US authorities to reopen investigations into the tragedy.

He said only 27 of the 168 questions put to the commission by victims and affected families had been answered.

Rodriguez, who was in charge of three stairwells in the North Tower, and team members of the Reopen 9/11 Organisation met former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the Perdana Leadership Foundation here yesterday.

“We came here because we wanted to give Dr Mahathir our version about what happened and would like his assistance in our work. He told us he would consider it,” Rodriguez said, adding that Malaysia was their first stop in a Muslim country.

“I lost 200 of my friends in the tragedy, 36 of whom were Muslims. I believe the US government had used the tragedy to demonise Islam and Muslims, and used it as the reason for the international war against terrorism.”

Recapping the tragic events, he said he was in the North Tower when he heard explosions from the basement at 8.45am that day, seconds before the first plane rammed into the building.

“My first thought was that the generator had blown out in Basement Two of the tower. When I ran down there, I met a Honduran man who had worked in that basement and whose skin had been badly burnt in the explosion.

“Then, there was another explosion which shook the tower. People told me later that an airplane had crashed into the building’s upper floors,” he said.

Rodriguez said he also heard explosions from below the 44th floor as he, together with a few firemen and policemen, raced around trying to save people before the building collapsed.

Reopen 9/11 Organisation founder Jimmy Walter said those who seek to know more about their campaign could log on to .

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