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Finally - IN One Brilliant Nutshell (With Video)


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venture thousands — of questions about 9/11 that covered, among others, the following areas:

The chilling PNAC documents — the conceptual blueprint for a “New Pearl Harbor”

Various military exercises that were underway on the morning of 9/11

Insider trading — billions in put options on United and American Airlines

The hastily-created (certainly pre-constructed) Patriot Act

The mystery hijackers not listed in any of the airline manifests

The dancing Israelis later exposed to be Mossad agents

“Lucky Larry” Silverstein, his connections to Israeli powerbrokers, his colossal insurance scam

Building 7, struck by nothing yet collapsed like a pillar of sand

The offices that were in Building 7 — SEC, NSA, CIA...

Explosives in the three towers

Testimony of international demolition experts

Molten metal

The physics of “Freefall”

Testimony of firemen, police personnel and rescue workers

The strange Anthrax attacks--directed only at opponents of the official line

Able Danger/Able Warrior and the handlers who controlled the Arab patsies

...And lots more

Well, we finally have the answer, all crammed into one brilliant 20-minute blockbuster.

PLEASE...take just 20 minutes of your time NOW...or during your lunch break...or at home this weekend, but watch it you must — before it’s permanently taken down like so many other excellent pieces before it.

They promised us a “Hundred-year War”. Here’s how they launched it: