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  • Apr 25, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    Workers Rush To Repair Huge Hole In WTC ‘Bathtub’

    By: NY1 News 03/21/2002–bathtub-

    Crews at the World Trade Center site are rushing to fix a 90-foot-wide hole in the retaining wall that keeps out ground water.

    The concrete wall, known as the bathtub, has sprung some small leaks, and according to the New York Times, the ground water is now only about a foot below the lower rim of the hole.

    When a huge hole was dug out of Lower Manhattan to build the foundation for the World Trade Center more than 30 years ago, workers constructed the wall to keep the nearby waters of the Hudson River from seeping in through the earth. The seven-story pit is now almost all that remains of the World Trade Center after months of removing debris.

    Engineers say there is no imminent danger of the wall collapsing or of the pit filling with water.

    Mayor Michael Bloomberg sought to reassure Lower Manhattan residents that the problem will be solved.

    “The story in Times that water may come gushing over in tidal wave is just so unlikely it’s not worth talking about,” Bloomberg said Thursday. “The bathtub wall is secure. They will continue to put anchors in as they remove the rubble. This is not something public should be concerned about.”

    The collapse of the south tower tore the large gash in the wall September 11. Engineers knew about the damage, but the excavation only recently reached the lower levels of the south tower after a temporary ramp for construction vehicles was removed.

    theunhivedmind says:

    April 25, 2014 at 5:18 am

    This damage was originally created by the two 150 kiloton nuclear demolitions fifty metres below the base of the Twin Towers on 9/11. These nuclear devices surrounded by granite rock as a buffer created plasma balls of 100m in diameter below the surface.

    The controlled demolition of the World Trade Center was not by micro-nuclear devices and the evidence of this is that there was no electro-magnetic pulse. This is another reason why intelligence agencies (France, Israel, Britain and US) use micro-nukes believe the surface and never above in order to aid the absorption of the EMP that is given off by all nuclear explosions. If the intelligence agencies did not do this then the EMPs would be detected and official lies of convention explosives cannot be believed. So do not believe in Ed Ward’s micro nuclear detonation pushed on the Rense website.

    -= The Unhived Mind