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The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 50 Nazis 9/11 Drone Engine Flies to a NY Street for ID

Jon Carlson

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March 26, 2014

The biggest mystery of 9/11 was the companionship of the FBI and the German spies. At the Pentagon FBI agents quickly confiscated 85 videotapes from the numerous videocameras within a mile of the Pentagon that would have shown the crash of a A3 Skywarrior drone laden with napalm bombs. Those videos alone would have sent the German spies to the electric chair. Where are those videos TODAY?

The A3 Skywarrior fuselage and an engine were photographed at the base of the front wall NEVER entering the Pentagon as claimed. A section of the front wall was rigged with explosives to fall at the crash but fell a half hour later! The wall was supposed to fall on top of the A3 Skywarrior hiding the evidence that Flight 77 ended up in the Ocean.

Part 18: The Pentagon 9/11 A3 Skywarrior Story

The strangest happening of 9/11 was the South Tower drone engine rear section blasting completely through the South Tower and ending up on a NYC street having landed on a police car and falling to the street relatively intact. OK, right in the lap of the FBI! Again, where is the engine section today and why didn't the FBI use it to execute the German spies behind 9/11 and the destruction of America?



The engine section is still smoking: