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The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 46 How Nazis Napalmed the South Tower on 9/11

Jon Carlson

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Feb. 20, 2014

Examination of individual frames from 15 South Tower Crash Videos of the nearly 30 ST Crash videos available on the INTERNET shows that NONE of them deviate one iota from another.

  • 1. Aircraft shape clearly a Boeing 737 NOT the Flight 175 Boeing 767 CIGAR SHAPE.
  • 2. Airliner fuselage Napalm bombs stick out like sore thumbs.
  • 3. Three Napalm bomb explosions are accounted for in videos.
  • 4. A Military helicopter operating in the smoke plume to avoid detection. The trigger to 9/11 was the 9/06/01 weather forecast for a clear day (for visual flying) and a NW wind to blow the North Tower smoke plume over the South Tower to hide the helicopter's operations. Weather forecasts are unreliable more than 5 days out.
  • 5. A Napalm bomb penetrated the back wall of the South Tower and exploded.
  • 6. An ENGINE penetrated the back wall of the South Tower and landed in a NYC street. It was identified by experts as a 737 engine. Flight 175 was a Boeing 767-200.
  • 7. A WHITE JET acting as 'Show director' seen in all 9/11 locations was consistently tracked by a VAPOR TRAIL on its flyby of the Towers.
  • 8. Hollywood special-effects from exploding NAPALM BOMBS described the South Tower Towering Inferno not typical of steel and masonry construction.

    The Nazi 9/11 Plan

    There was a 17 minute WINDOW between North Tower and South Tower crashes. In this window appeared a US Navy helicopter from the aircraft carrier USS George Washington anchored off Long Island that served as base of operations for 9/11. None of the jets on that carrier responded to America's cry for help on 9/11. Your Tax dollars at work.

    The Nazi Plan was to wait for a day with a NW wind to blow the FAKE smoke plume from the North Tower over the South Tower to hide the Navy helicopter operating there. 9/11 was one of FOUR NW wind days that year! Around TWENTY VIDEO CAMERAS caught the helicopter doing its treasonous deeds.

