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Proof Explosives Were Used At WTC

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ther, Marvin P. Bush's company Securacom provided electronic security for the World Trade Center. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family and the Kuwaiti Ambassador's daughter that lied setting up the Incubator Babies Hoax to start the first Gulf War.

Disgraced Police Commissioner and adulterer Bernard Kerik, Giuliani's close ally, admitted they planned for building collapses and practiced them immediately before in 9/11 testimony. MSNBC Expose


Submit Questions for the upcoming Zogby Poll we are commissioning. Click on the link to see the old one. Email: Questions

See Our Tribute to The Fallen those that died and are dying.

From our 9/11/2004 Event: "Confronting the Evidence"

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90% of CNN viewers, according to a recent CNN Anderson Cooper poll, believe there is a 9-11 Cover-Up.

People are Dying Because

the White House and Giuliani Lied!

In order to "reopen Wall Street" the Bush administration censored crucial EPA and New York City Health Department warnings that the air after 9/11 was highly poisonous. The White House forced the EPA to say "The air is safe to breathe" at the World Trade Center. This has seriously injured the health of Manhattan workers and residents, is even killing some of the heroes who worked at "Ground Zero".

Christine Whitman (Book Tour Dates), EPA administrator, Mayor Giuliani, the NY, and NYC health departments lied to New Yorkers and visitors from around the world that there were "No Significant Problems". There were no Arabs, Muslims, or hijackers involved in these crimes; just US, NYC,and NY government officials!

As a result,

Children in nearby schools have serious respiratory problems;

Half of the site workers have serious respiratory problems;

Half of the firefighters can no longer work; and

14 rescue dogs have died.

Rescue Workers are suing the EPA for lying because they were sent to work without proper protective gear, exposing them to PCBs, asbestos, benzene and other known carcinogens.

Scientists Dr. Cate Jenkins, Dr. Marjorie Clarke, Paul Bartlett, and others, warned about inhaling toxic dust and fumes, but were ignored by the agencies in charge.

Read the EPA Inspector General Report, which exposes the crimes, the MSNBC article, and the CNN News article. For more details please go to the World Trade Center Environmental Organization and "Messages in the Dust".

Click here to see what Criminal Charges victims working at or near ground zero may have to file with the Manhattan District Attorney against Mayor Giuliani; Christie Whitman (Book Tour Dates); James L. Connaughton, Chair of White House Council on Environmental Quality, Antonia C. Novello, NY Health Commissioner; Neal Cohen, NYC Health Commissioner; Thomas R. Frieden, NYC Health Commissioner starting January of 2002.

66% of New York city residents believe that the 9/11 investigation should be re-opened, as well as 60% of the residents of New York state, according to a recent Zogby Poll. The New York Times did not report it! We had to pay for an ad to get the poll in the New York Times.

49% of New York City residents and 41% of New York citizens overall say that some US leaders "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act", according to a recent Zogby Poll.

Bush and Cheney Blocked the 9/11 Investigation. Initially Bush denied an investigation into the 9/11 attacks was necessary. Bush later got Sen. Tom Daschle and the 9/11 Commission to limit the investigation's budget to $600,000; yet Republicans spent $65,000,000 on whether President Clinton had sex in the oval office. Bush has never testified under oath. His administration has refused to release thousands of documents pertaining to 9/11.

ReOpen 911 and Jimmy Walter are dedicated to and bringing to justice the real terrorists who attacked us and answering the glaring, painful questions (see letter below) surrounding September 11, 2001.

We encourage everyone to examine the facts presented on this website, as well from other sources, then join us by signing the petition to help force government officials to reopen the investigation into this tragic event. If you worked or had loved ones in Manhattan after 9/11 who have resulting injuries or health issues, we encourage you to consider filing Criminal Charges against Mayor Giuliani, Christie Whitman (Book Tour Dates), James L. Connaughton, and other members of the White House, EPA, and the NY Health Department.

Be a Patriot! Defend America!

Get Involved!


Real News: We lost in Fallujah!

Fallujah and the End Of Warfare

Hey Rumsfeld, About that Cakewalk...

LA Times claims

Al Qaeda is Government Conspiracy Hoax!

Second Article, Third Article Fourth

Proof Election Was Stolen

20 Improbable Facts about the Fraud

January 20, Not One Damn Dime Day!

Truth About Privatizing Social Security: Disaster!


We Are Not Safer!

Bin Laden initially denied the 9/11 attack. In all probability he merely took credit for it later to swell his ranks. It Worked! Bin Laden is still at large. President Bush has said he is not that concerned about him. Yet Homeland [In]Security issues monthly Alarms! As predicted by George Tenet and the CIA, because of our invasion, Iraq has become a breeding ground for more and more terrorists.

See The TV ads that ran 2850 times in NYC--


Censored by CBS, NBC, ABC, and Fox!

About the Pentagon

About Bldg. 7 at WTC

See the Newspaper and Magazine Ads

$3,000,000 Spent

$100,000 Contest Details

Hopefully Will Be Announced By January 30.

Sneak Preview - Not an Offer!

Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of the WTC-- who is trying to collect $14 Billion in insurance money--admits he ordered World Trade Center Building 7 Destroyed by FDNY!

Yet FEMA and 9/11 Commission say, "the specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time.” Moreover, FDNY does not do implosions according to their rules, regulations, and training.

WATCH THE CLIP: (Windows Media File). Alex Jones lays out the facts about the collapse of the world Trade Center complex, the Bushes and the Bin Laden's and Much More -- 30+ minute video clip.

Watch Painful Deceptions

Dear Concerned and Questioning Americans,

I was astounded by the books “Painful Questions”, “The New Pearl Harbor”, and “Crossing the Rubicon”, and even more so by the videos “In Plane Site” and “The Great Conspiracy”. Until then, I had believed the administration’s “conspiracy theory” that 19 screw-ups from Saudi Arabia who flunked out of flight school had attacked us. I now know this is the ridiculous “conspiracy theory” which has been rubber stamped by the 9/11 Commission which, according to Harper’s Magazine (October 2004), Senator Mark Dayton, and others, is a “whitewash” full of errors, “lies”, and omissions.

I will give free copies to fire stations, police stations, judges, prosecutors, and politicians Copies of 9/11 books. None of these books or videos are perfect. Some of the authors contest each others work.

Researchers I hired have confirmed the following. You be the judge.

Q “The WTC was probably one of the more resistant tall buildings….they just don’t build them as tough as the World Trade Center” – Scientific American, October 2001

Q “A steel building survived fires in experiments with extreme temperatures beyond the range possible with jet fuel.” – Cardington fire tests.

Q No steel building has ever been destroyed by fire – Fire Engineering Magazine

Q “The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time.” Federal Emergency Management Administration. Chapter 5 Page 31 May 2002

Q The investigation of the WTC “is a half-baked farce.” - Fire Engineering Magazine. Jan 2002

Q All of the important evidence from the disaster was destroyed, illegally, and before the investigation was even concluded, some before it began! – Fire Engineering.

Q $600,000 was spent investigating the WTC collapses vs. $40 million on Clinton’s sex life. The entire 9/11 Commission only spent $15 million while all expenditures on Clinton’s indiscretion exceed $65 million.

Q The South Tower (Building #2) fell after 1 hour; the North Tower (Building #1) fell after 2 hours. The Meridian Plaza burned fiercely for 19 hours and never collapsed.

Q Building 7 at the WTC, 47 floors, steel, and constructed differently from the twin towers, fell at 5:30 but it was never hit by an airplane, had no significant fire!

Q Jet fuel burns at too low a temperature to significantly harm steel. The black smoke means that the fire did not reach the maximum temperature for jet fuel.

Q The fires were not long enough (only 1-2 hours) to harm the steel.

Q Yet days later, there were “hot spots” in the building that still exceeded the maximum temperature possible from jet fuel – but not from explosives.

Q The gusting wind on the towers had at times been greater than the impact of the airliners. Neither tower was bent nor did they creak or groan at any time.

Q The buildings collapsed at the maximum speed of gravity – impossible without explosives! (Each floor hit would have slowed the fall some, more at the beginning.)

Q The concrete was encased in a steel framed pan yet clouds of finely pulverized concrete and steel beams came shooting out of the buildings for up to three times the width of the building at hundreds of miles per hour - only possible with explosives.

Q If the force of the falling building is strong enough to pulverize concrete then the bolts and rivets would have to hold beyond that force – and then give way. Yet the force to pulverize concrete into fine powder is greater than the force that sheers or stretches steel bolts and rivets. It cannot be both ways.

Q Both impacts and fires in the Twin Towers did not hit the center of the buildings. That means that only two sides of the building were harmed at most and two sides were structurally sound. Building 7 had no impact or significant fires. Yet all three collapses are perfectly straight down. Only the tops of the Twin Towers should have fallen over, not the entire building fall straight down, just like a controlled demolition.

Q “I’m still to this day amazed that he [alleged pilot on Flight 77] could have flown into the Pentagon," according to the hijackers pilot instructor. "He could not fly at all." Yet, “The steep turn was so smooth, the sources say, it's clear there was no fight for control going on. And the complex maneuver suggests the hijackers had better flying skills than many investigators first believed.”

Q NATIONAL COMMISSION ON TERRORIST ATTACKS UPON THE UNITED STATES, Public Hearing, Friday, May 23, 2003: Mr. Mineta: “There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, "The plane [Flight 77] is 50 miles out…. 30 miles…10 miles out” – Cheney knew this plane was coming at Washington and the Pentagon and yet no planes had been scrambled to protect Washington after over 1 hour since the WTC was attacked. Even at 400 miles per hour, it takes over 7 minutes to travel 50 miles, more since the plane was at altitude. Cheney knew the plane was coming when it was even farther away since Mr. Mineta had not been present when Flight 77 was first reported to Mr. Cheney. They had known this flight was missing for over an hour after the first plane crashed into the North Tower. There should have been an umbrella of F-16 and other aircraft over Washington, DC. An F-16 fighter can travel 50 miles and destroy a target in less than 2 minutes. Moreover, pictures released by the Pentagon show anti-aircraft missiles firing at an aircraft much smaller than a 757. Everything failed! Incompetence, if not guilt

Q NORAD successfully intercepted off course and suspected hijackings 100% of 67 times during the year prior to 9/11 (AP, 8/13/02), each time in under 20 minutes. An Air Force F-15 “scrambles” to 29,000 feet in 2.5 minutes, normally intercepting in 15 minutes. Yet on 9/11 they were four failures for over an hour each -- three after they knew the planes were high-jacked and intended mass murder. Please read, “Crossing the Rubicon”, by Michael Ruppert, which indicts Richard Cheney for his involvement in the war games that diverted our interceptors from stopping the high-jacked airplanes. Contrast this to Condoleezza Rice's statement from her May 16, 2002 press briefing, “I don’t think anybody could have predicted that these people would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile”. “Condoleezza Rice was the top National Security official with President Bush at the July 2001 G-8 summit in on Genoa. This was where U.S. officials were warned that Islamic terrorists might attempt to crash an airliner into the summit, which prompted officials to close the airspace over Genoa and station anti-aircraft guns at the city's airport".

Q “On August 6, 2001, just over a month before 9/11 and during the "summer of threat", President Bush received a Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) at his Crawford, Texas ranch, entitled Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US The August 6th memo focused entirely on the possibility of terrorist attacks inside the US. In testimony before the 9/11 Commission, Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor to President Bush, stated to the 9/11 Commission that she and President Bush considered the August 6th PDB as just an historical document and commented that this was not considered a domestic warning. At this 9/11 hearing, Condoleezza Rice had taken an oath to tell the truth to the Commissioners. [Perjury!]

Q “Additionally, according to the 9/11 Commission report, chief White House expert on terrorism, Richard Clarke, sent Rice an urgent memo just days after she took office stressing the severity of the terrorist threat. She did not respond. Although the national security leadership met formally nearly 100 times in the months prior to the Sept. 11 attacks . . . terrorism was the topic during only two of those sessions. The first meeting that dealt with al Qaeda did not occur until 9/4/01.” Read the 9/11 widows letter on “Kindasleazy” Rice.

Q I am also appalled by the media. A Zogby Poll I commissioned reported that 66% of New Yorkers want the 9/11 investigation re-opened and 49% believe government VIP's knew ahead of time and did nothing to stop it. The New York Times thought it NOT “news fit to print”. I had to pay for an advertisement to get it in the New York Times!

This book is very disturbing. One thing is for certain; the facts surrounding the multiple WTC building collapses and Pentagon attack prove our government is not telling us the whole truth. I shudder to think what this book seems to prove is true. Ask your friends who are experts on the topics covered. I am now convinced that it was not just an error of omission. It seems clear to me that someone executed a master of deception’s plan and killed thousands of innocent people. Osama and Bush may just be patsies [people to take the blame].

It is my intention to amass enough petition signatures and influence enough people to force the reopening of the 911 Commission and a criminal investigation by the Attorney General of NY and the District Attorney of Manhattan into the mass murders that were perpetrated at the WTC. We have launched a new web site Please go there to have more of your questions answered and PLEASE sign our online petition. Do it now. Please. Please call your Representative, Senators, and the President demanding our government answer these questions and explain the 9/11 Commission’s omissions and lies.

Demand that your government answer these questions that the 9/11 commission ignored and lied about.


James W Walter, Jr.


Walden Three, Inc. Questions Letter

PO Box 3871

Santa Barbara, CA 93130

More Below

Dr. Marjorie Clarke's testimony on toxins and pollutants at Ground Zero--which the White House said was "Safe to Breathe--"revealed the air really contained the following:

· Over 400,000 pounds of lead

· Over 200,000 pounds of asbestos

· More than enough mercury to contaminate 2,500 city blocks

· Radioactive americium 241 from thousands of smoke detectors

· Highest levels of vanadium ever recorded

· Children in nearby schools have developed serious respiratory problems

· Half of those who cleaned ground zero have serious health problems

· 100's of firefighters can no longer work

· 14 rescue dogs have died!

The Rescue Workers are suing.

Go To and "Messages in the Dust"

• A collapse could not have powdered all the concrete that flew our of the Towers all the way to NJ. Why was there so much powdered concrete? Read this.

• The families of the victims of 9/11 have been ignored by the Commission and Bush. There has never been an investigation independent of the White House of What Really Happened that day. Visit 911 Review

• Visit the 9-11 Research site for more info.

• "Jet Fuel could not have melted steel," by Kevin Ryan of Underwriters Laboratories to Frank Gayle of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Read it!

• Ready to Volunteer? Click Here

• Help with a donation to continue our efforts.

Free DVD: "Confronting the Evidence: A Call to Reopen the 9/11 Investigation"

Program held in NYC on 9/11/04 and More

Click here to sign our form to receive one.

Expect delivery by Feb. 1, 2005

· Sign our petition to open an investigation.

Last Updated 1/23/05 ->->->->->