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Truthers have reached critical mass

P. Alfonso

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Sept. 11, 2013

Truther: One who rejects the accepted explanation of the events of 9/11. Truthers generally believe the U.S. government committed the acts of terrorism against itself.

Critical mass: An amount or level needed for a specific result or new action to occur.

As we come to the end of the twelfth anniversary of 9/11 I have noticed a different mood. More people have come forward skeptical of the official report and few have stepped up to defend it. The 9/11 Truth Movement has reached a critical mass from which there is no return. Half of Americans no longer believe the lie and that is a huge problem for a government as it no longer shares the trust of its people. It is hard to tell how this will end but it cannot end well. Unlike other previous lies such as the John F. Kennedy assassination this one did not hold long and it is a huge problem for the real perpetrators as they are still alive and in power. The murder of nearly 3,000 of our citizens and the death of thousands more as the result of subsequent wars will not be taken lightly and it is causing an outrage.

As we reach critical popular mass, pressure will be put on governing officials by the people who are demanding a new investigation into the events of 9/11. The controlled media is still suppressing the truth and ignoring the people's demand but unfortunately for the perpetrators it is the internet and the alternative media who is uncovering the lies. Their Networks as the source of propaganda and suppression of real information have become ineffective. Unlike in previous false flag events the evidence held by those who seek the truth is overwhelming and undeniable. It will be interesting to see how this will end but we can rest assured that the guilty will not go down without trying to commit even a worse atrocity.

The crimes committed cannot be held solely against the George W. Bush administration. The current administration is also guilty by failing to act on the demands of the people and the evidence presented. The Bill Clinton administration is also guilty of conspiring in the Oklahoma City bombing as there is also enough evidence showing that explosives had been placed inside the building and the damage was not done entirely by a rental truck loaded with ammonium nitrate that was placed away from the building.

On this anniversary of 9/11 the big push has come from the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. This movement was founded by Architect Richard Gage. As well stated the smoking gun is WTC Building 7 which came down in free fall and was not hit by a plane. They have place bill boards in US cities and in foreign nations making people aware that not two but three building came down on September 11th, 2001, one of which was not hit by a plane.

Our nation has never been sovereign as it never had control of its currency other than for short periods during the Madison and Andrew Jackson presidency. Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy minted our own money against the wishes of the banking oligarchy and we already know how that ended. What we are facing today is much worse as our government has been totally hijacked, most of our elected officials have sold out and the rest rendered powerless. Only the truth will set us free and it is our patriotic duty once we know it to share it with others. The truth could bring down the government and it may just happen.

third tower