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Examining the Evidence of 9/11: Inside the Toronto Hearings

Michael Welch, Lori Van Auken, Barbara Honneger, Paul Zarembka, Jay Kolar, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky

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Aug. 10, 2013

This week’s installment of the Global Research New Hour marks the second of a five part series highlighting research into the World Trade Center attacks and the need for a renewed investigation.


Length (59:23)

Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

From September 8 to September 11, 2011, a gathering of researchers, experts and activists converged on the campus of Ryerson University in Toronto to review what was then the most up to date information with regard to the ten year old tragedy.

Throughout the four day event, speakers challenged the views that the attacks were carried out by an outside enemy and that they were successful because of US intelligence failures. The visiting speakers from around the world would point to evidence that the Twin Towers were deliberately brought down using explosives. They would discuss the term ‘conspiracy theory’ and the consequent attempts to marginalize critics of the official story in mainstream media and culture. Crucially, they would make the case for a re-opening of an independent investigation into the attacks.

An Outlandish Conspiracy Theory?

Much of the critique of 9/11 scepticism tends to focus on the absurdity of the proposition: even if Bush and company were smart enough to carry out such a sophisticated attack, how could they keep it secret from the American public? Someone would have squealed.

Such criticism ignores the proven fact that the State has and does carry out black operations and can and does keep high level secrets, the secrecy around the Manhattan Project being an important case in point.

The evidence itself seems to go unexamined, or is misrepresented.

In any case, dozens of questions put to the 9/11 Commission by the 9/11 Family Steering committee regarding anomalies went unaddressed. Regardless of what the truth about 9/11 may be, questions about such a significant event deserve answers and these answers were not forthcoming in the 9/11 Commission Report.

The speakers in this week’s episode present evidence relating to concealed truths about the hijackers, insider trading in airline stock, explosions going off in the Pentagon, and CIA links with Al Qaeda.

These conversations are excerpted from the DVD “The Toronto Hearing on 9/11: Uncovering Ten Years of Deception” (available to order from Global Research). Part Two features five presenters most of whom spoke on the second day of the hearings.

Lori Van Auken is the widow of Kenneth Van Auken who perished in the September 11 attacks. She joined with fellow 9/11 widows Patty Casaza, Kristen Breitweiser, and Mindy Kleinberg to form a group known as the Jersey Girls who successfully pressured the government into forming a commission of inquiry into the 9/1 attacks. Her video-taped message opened the Toronto hearings on September 8, 2011.

Barbara Honneger a former White House Policy Analyst and a senior military affairs journalist with the naval postgraduate school. The focus of her September 9 talk was eyewitness accounts and evidence that explosions rather than an airplane strike were responsible for damage at the Pentagon.

Paul Zarembka is Professor of Economics at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Since 1977 he has been the editor for general research into Political economy. He is author of the book Toward a Theory of Economic Development, and editor of Frontiers in Econometrics. He also author of the 2008 book The Hidden History of 9/11. In his talk, he discussed the evidence of Insider trading in American and United Airlines stock suggesting US Intelligence foreknowledge.

Jay Kolar is a freelance writer and film studies instructor. He contributed to Zarembka’s book The Hidden History of 9/11 and spoke on September 9, Day 2 of the Toronto Hearings, on the flaws in the official account of what was known about the alleged 9/11 hijackers.

Michel Chossudovsky is Emeritus professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and an award-winning author. He heads the Centre for Research On Globalization and is the author of several books on geo-politics including America’s “War on Terrorism”, and The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order. On Day 2 of the Hearings, he reviewed his own research of Al-Qaeda as a US Intelligence asset and spoke to the implications of 9/11 to the larger US and global military doctrines.

Efforts are afoot to bring greater awareness of the flaws in the official 9/11 story to a broader public audience this September through a grassroots advertising campaign. For more information, visit

Also be sure to check out Global Research’s complete on-line dossier on 9/11.


Length (59:23)

Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

Press For Truth and The International Center for 9/11 Studies Present:

The Toronto Hearings on 9/11: Uncovering Ten Years of Deception



Click here to view the TRAILER on GlobalResearchTV

Produced by: Steven Davies Dan Dicks Bryan Law

An over 5 hour DVD, with comprehensive coverage of the 4 day Toronto Hearings from September 2011.

Featuring expert witness testimony from:

David Ray Griffin, Richard Gage, David Chandler, Michel Chossudovsky, Kevin Ryan, Niels Harrit, Barbara Honegger, Peter Dale Scott, Graeme MacQueen, Jonathan Cole, Cynthia McKinney ...and many more!

The Global Research News Hour, hosted by Michael Welch, airs on CKUW 95.9FM in Winnipeg Thursdays at 10am CDT. The programme is now broadcast weekly (Monday, 5-6pm ET) by the Progressive Radio Network in the US, and is available for download on the Global Research website.