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It is a well-known fact that people who know too much are silenced by death

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April 15, 2013

On Tuesday, September 11th 2001, the twin towers of the World Trade Center came crashing to the ground as a result of two separate airplane crashes that we are being told by our government were the work of terrorists. On September 13th, Dan Rather of CBS News conducted an interview with Tom McKenney of FEMA's National Urban Search and Rescue Team.

The interview definitely occurred on Thursday, September 13th. On the Sweet Liberty broadcast that night I mentioned it, having received a phone call from a listener just after she heard it on CBS. I reviewed the tape to confirm.

Now... is it possible McKenney's statement was a slip of the tongue? Did he mean Tuesday night instead of Monday night? Possible... NOT PROBABLE. As Darren, our webmaster, pointed out:

    "Jackie... I don't see how a person — just a day or two after arriving — would not know whether or not he arrived before the event or afterward. Indeed, if he had arrived Tuesday night, and swung into action on Wednesday morning, then I would suggest to you that he would have likely said that we went into action "yesterday," as this interview — according to your research — took place on Thursday."

And if the 'mistake' was in the telling of their deployment to N.Y.C. on late Monday evening, those FEMA rescue team workers will be carrying around a big load right now, along with their families who knew where they went before the bombing of the WTC occurred.

It is a well-known fact that people who know too much are silenced by death, threat of death, or — even more effective — the threat of death to family members. It brings to mind the Colorado judge who presided in the McVeigh trial. It was reported that his daughter 'accidentally fell into a volcano in Hawaii'. That judge did a number on MCVeigh's defense. Wouldn't admit any of the evidence they tried to bring forth.

I tend to believe McKenney meant what he said to Dan Rather. When you think about it, that's a lot of people to have to keep quiet, isn't it? Not impossible though when you consider the tentacles, money, power, and control the global elite have demonstrated time after time. We'll see. Time will tell and the TRUTH WILL OUT. It always does.

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