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Dick Eastman Pentagon

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July 18, 2012

This video is a rebuttal to video by Mike J Wilson, which is a cheating manipulated-scale simulation of the Boeing crash scenario. Mike J. Wilson's video "911 Case Study: Pentagon Flight 77" changes the scale of the plane at critical times (while the eye is off the plane) to make the plane fit the security camera requirement that the plane be completely hidden by the pass reader box in the foreground.

Wilson moves the artists-eye (imaginary camera) north towards the security camera - taking this graphics eye off the plane. When the plane reappears the plane its scale to the Pentagon has been reduced to approximately .7 to 1 -- making it fit behind the pass-reader box by simple cheating, taking the true-scale plane from the picture, moving the angle, and then substituting small scale plane to fit the lie. In 2006 this was pointed out to Wilson and he has NEVER answered this objection.

Had he maintained the correctly scaled plane throughout the simulation the a much longer portion of the Boeing fuselage would have been visible.

Go to Wilson's video and verify that this has been done. Start viewing Wilson's trick simulation at time 1:50. Notice how the eye is taken from the plane at time 2:10, at a point far south of the security camera.

First, Wilson's simulation was made to counter evidence investators who show that the damage imprint on the Pentagon's outside west wall (pre-collapse) could not be explained by the crash of a Boeing 757 like Flight 77. In fact, the simulation proves the opposite, viz., that a Boeing crash which was centered ("nose in") at column 14 in fact cannot have been responsible for the window and frame completely pushed in far to the south between columns 19 and twenty on the second floor.

Second, Wilson's simulation was made to disprove the contention of evidence investigators that security camera video picture showing the killer object completely covered by the entry gate pass reader box in the foreground could not be a picture of the pass reader box obstructing the view of a Boeing 757, because at the distance the Boeing would have been from the pass reader box if the Boeing were on the path of downed roadside light poles moving towards the Pentagon the Boeing would have been too big to be concealed. It's very long fuselage (in relation to tail fin height) would have had to be showing. And here we catch Mike J Wilson cheating. As he moves the viewer's eye, in his simulation, southward to take up position at the security camera, he takes our eye off the plane as the viewer's perspective (apparent location) is changed. And when finally Wilson puts the plane back in view he has modified the scale of the plane and shortened its fuselage. Go to Wilson's video and verify that this has been done. Start viewing at time 1:50. Notice how the eye is taken from the plane at time 2:10, at a point far south of the security camera. Mike Wilson needs to be questioned under oath by a grand jury.

Mike J. Wilson commits switches scale twice, each time while he, for no reason, takes the plane from view. When he puts the plane back in sight it is smaller with respect to the heliport tower and the building -- and thus, after this deception, after this alteration of scale in a video that Wilson is representing as "true to scale" the shrunk plane now exactly is hidden behind the pass reader box. This is an obstruction of justice in the greatest crime of modern times. Mike Wilson is effectively a 9-11 accomplice, serving its cover-up phase.