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San Diego 9/11 'Truth' Group Cancels My Presentation

John Friend

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July 23, 2012

First off, the link to download the radio interview I did with Dr. Jim Fetzer last Wednesday is available here. In the interview, Dr. Fetzer and I discuss a number of issues, including the use of false images, videos, and eye-witness testimony to distort reality and sell an agenda, as was done on 9/11 and in other important historical events (like the alleged “Holocaust”of European Jews in WWII). We also discussed Israeli involvement in 9/11 and the presentation I was scheduled to give on Sunday, August 12th for the San Diegans for 9/11 “truth” group. At the end of the interview, I laid out the eight key points I would be discussing and presenting for the group, and assumed the presentation was still scheduled. The following day, Thursday, July 19th, I received notification from the main organizer of the SD 9/11 “truth” group that after a group meeting and discussion earlier that day, the group had decided to cancel my presentation, and will instead show a film about the USS Liberty on August 12th in place of my scheduled presentation.

Before I post the official cancellation notification, I would like to provide a brief timeline of events that have transpired over the past 10 months or so. If anyone in the SD 9/11 “truth” group wishes to dispute this timeline or my description of the events, feel free to email me or leave a comment on this blog.

  • Sunday, October 9, 2011: I am booed and interrupted while explaining the sign I made for the Occupy San Diego movement, and why I was participating in the protest. A woman in the crowd, who called me an “anti-Semite” earlier in the day for daring to point out that Israel did 9/11, immediately started booing me as soon as I began explaining the “Israel behind 9/11” portion of my sign. Others in the crowd followed the woman’s lead and began booing as well. At least three members of the San Diegans for 9/11 “truth” group were present, and not one of them backed me up, justifying the behavior of the shills in the crowd because, to them, I took the wrong approach in trying to wake up the general public about Israel’s involvement in 9/11.
  • January-February 2012: I approach the San Diegans for 9/11 “truth” group to see if they are interested in allowing me to give a presentation regarding Israel’s role in 9/11. At this point in time, the group was not in favor of allowing me to give a presentation at their main monthly Meet Up event that takes place at the Joyce Beers Community Center. One of the organizers of SD 9/11 “truth” suggested that I contact a local café and organize my presentation there. I did, and the presentation, 9/11: the Mossad connection took place at Café Libertalia on Saturday, March 3rd. Roughly 30 people attended, including almost all of the main SD 9/11 “truth” organizers and members. The event went very well, however, it was more of a discussion rather than an official presentation.
  • On Wednesday, June 13th I attended a meeting at the home of one of the main SD 9/11 “truth” organizers, which was also attended by a number of the core group members. It was decided that I would be scheduled to give a presentation on Sunday, August 12th to discuss the Israeli angle to the 9/11 conspiracy. The group emphasized that this was an extremely sensitive topic, and that it was very important that I stick to the facts, and not get into my opinions or other topics not associated with 9/11. I agreed.
  • One of the main SD 9/11 “truth” organizers posted an announcement about my scheduled event, “Who really did 9/11?” along with the description I wrote on my blog on the Activist San Diego website.
  • On Sunday, July 8th, I made a brief announcement explaining my presentation in August before Dwain Deets’ presentation at the main SD 9/11 Truth Meet Up event for the month of July at the Joyce Beers Community Center. Almost all of the SD 9/11 “truth” core members were present.
  • The following week, I requested that the SD 9/11 “truth” group announce my scheduled presentation on their website and Meet Up page. The webmaster of the SD 9/11 “truth” group, who I do not know and have never met, was notified about my presentation, and immediately began raising concerns about my blog and the topic of the presentation. Numerous email exchanges took place, and I clarified that this presentation was not about my blog, and that the presentation would focus directly on who was actually responsible for carrying out, covering up, and benefiting from 9/11. I provided an outline of my presentation, and informed the group I would be on Dr. Jim Fetzer’s radio program on Wednesday, July 18th to discuss the event and other related issues.
  • On the morning of Wednesday, July 18th, before I went on Dr. Fetzer’s radio program, I emailed the group informing them that I was planning on emailing a number of different organizations and local media outlets to publicize the event. I was planning on contacting the local police union, veteran’s organizations, firefighter’s organizations, local media outlets, and other “activist” organizations, including Occupy San Diego and Women Occupy San Diego. I asked the group if anyone knew of any other organizations I could contact. I immediately received a phone call and email from one of the main organizers of the SD 9/11 “truth” group, requesting that I not contact anyone until after the group met the following day. At this point, I assumed my presentation was still scheduled, and mentioned it on Dr. Jim Fetzer’s radio program.
  • The following day, Thursday, July 19th, I received an email from the main organizer of SD 9/11 “truth”, requesting that I call her at my convenience. I called her shortly after I received the email, and she informed me the presentation was cancelled.
  • I requested an official explanation as to why the presentation was cancelled, and a summary of what was discussed at the meeting, which I was unable to attend.

Here is the official explanation as to why the SD 9/11 “truth” group cancelled my scheduled presentation:


After a great deal of thoughtful discussion both on line and at our meeting last Thursday, July 19, with eighteen of our core members present from San Diegans for 9/11 Truth, a unanimous decision was made to not host your presentation.

There was a consensus among the members at the meeting that the evidence pointing to Israeli culpability in the crimes of September 11, and it's possible role, working together with the highest levels in our military intelligence and government officials, does need to be discussed but would require greater sensitivity and a more objective approach.

We believe that overcoming the deep disinformation surrounding the topic, provided by the propaganda/media machine, requires sensitivity and should be handled thoughtfully. The ground work must be handled methodically. In light of that decision we are presenting the documentary "USS Liberty-Dead in the Water" in August, as a way to begin dialog on false-flag operations through out history ( in this case it did not succeed). It presents the deliberate attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 by the Israel military and the immediate cover-up and censorship by President Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara , ordering all the ship's survivors to never speak about the incident.

You were asked not to do any promoting or interviews saying we were sponsoring your presentation until after a decision was made at our July 19 meeting. We thought you agreed to do that, yet you went on the Jim Fetzer show the day before. This got some of us to look more closely at your blog.

The moderated comment section in your blog includes at least one recent threat of violence against you, as well as your dare, that this anonymous person attempt such an act here in San Diego. The promotion of violence is contrary to our mission. We do not want to be responsible for this type of behavior.

This was a major factor in reaching our decision.

Joyce Beers Community room is open to the public. You can contact the management company at the shopping center to make your own reservation.

Ted and Nelisse Muga

San Diegans for 9/11 Truth

I will admit that publishing the anonymous comment and my reply was rather boneheaded and immature of me. I should have deleted it, but I didn't, and I let my emotions get in the way of a level-headed approach to this particular comment.  I will provide it here for everyone to judge for themselves if I was “promoting violence” in any way:

Anonymous said...

You're a fucking pussy. This is war. I'll be in S.D. You fucking bitch.

July 15, 2012 3:39 PM

John Friend said...

"You're a fucking pussy. This is war. I'll be in S.D. You fucking bitch."

Uh oh... I better stay home then, huh? LOL, you fucking loser, you're calling me a pussy when you're the one posting anonymously with NOTHING INTELLIGENT TO SAY WHATSOEVER. You know where to find me, I'll be waiting.

July 15, 2012 9:53 PM

Also, I want to point out that when I published this comment and replied, I was a bit frustrated and irritated. Ever since I published the blog posts about Adolf Hitler and National Socialism, my blog has been getting spammed by anonymous trolls that hang out at kenny’s sideshow. I began moderating the comments, and thought that the “threat” offered by this anonymous commenter was pretty ridiculous, and wanted everyone to see that. But, I do have to admit, that was dumb of me to stoop to the level of the troll, and play his/her childish game. I regret that, and am admitting it here. I do not advocate violence, and I wasn’t advocating it in this instance. I will also not be intimidated by anonymous trolls either.

Having said that, if the SD 9/11 “truth” group had not seen that comment, they would have come up with some other excuse to cancel my presentation. As soon as their webmaster got involved, the entire presentation was basically sabotaged. And this does not surprise me at all. The SD 9/11 “truth” group is essentially a group of retired “activists” that organize meetings and outreach efforts, thinking they are actually getting something accomplished, when in reality they are obfuscating the truth and accomplishing nothing. I think it’s fair to say that almost all of the “activist” groups that I have ever had contact with in my entire life are there merely to placate the members of the group, allowing them to think they are actually doing something positive, making some sort of difference, when in reality they are doing nothing of any substance.

I don’t know if we will ever bring the criminals who carried out 9/11 to justice. I do know that we won’t bring them to justice if we don’t name their names and call them out, that’s for sure. And when I look around America today, I see very few people or organizations that are willing to do just that.

And it’s got me thinking: how many blatant, egregious crimes are the Jews going to commit against the world before we actually wake up and say, “Enough is enough!”? Will the Gentile world ever wake up? Will we ever be courageous enough to speak the truth, out loud, in public, in front of people? Will we ever stop playing these semantic games, abiding by all the kosher rules of political correctness? We will ever confront, expose, and reject the Big Jewish Lies of history, and organize to do something about their crimes and supremacist agenda of world domination?