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The Jews always have several reasons for their EVIL actions

Pastor Bob

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Dec. 16, 201

9-11 was;
1.  A cheap way to do the demolition on the Buildings


2.  Collect double on the Insurance (jewish lighting)

3.  MURDER over 3,000 White Race in the Buildings & 343 Honorable Firemen

4.  Get the U.S. Military to go MURDER & Destroy all the Arab Countries, 1, or 2 at a time for their jew gods & MASTERS they LOVE & WORSHIP so very, very, very much

5.  Profit from all the Military Hardware sold to both sides

6.  Profit from the Life Insurance Polices they own on the DEAD Soldiers

7.  STEAL all the Oil in the Arab Countries for the jews, NONE for the U.S.

8.  Raise Prices on the Oil sold in America & Europe

9.  Re-open up the Opium Fields that the Honorable Afghans shut down, so the jew Rothschild family (The # 1 Drug Dealer in the World since the 1820 Opium Wars in China) can sell Heroin to the American & European children to DESTROY them

10.  Position Its-a-LIE to STEAL massive amounts of Land from the Arab Countries after the MURDER of the Arab Men

I could go on, but these are the Top 10 jew SCAMS from 9-11!  WAKE UP WHITE RACE!!!  


New 9/11 Eyewitness Evidence of Bombs at WTC  

Watch Here:


Gee, I wonder if those jews above are laughing at the STUPID & PATHETIC White Race that NEVER, EVER WAKE UP to any of the Trillions of SCAMS the satanic DNA seedline jews play on them ever second??????????

Pasor Bob: