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Exposing the 911 Hoax

Stewart Ogilby

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Ten years to figure out the airliner shell-game devised by the evil ones


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The following explanation was amended on 9-27-11. Although we may not have the exact explanation, we feel that we are getting very close to the truth of how this hoax was perpetrated.


There have been several theories on the flights and events of 911, some more plausible than others, beginning with Carol Valentine's brilliant 2002 Flight of the Bumble Planes. The present updated analysis acknowledges our debts to Ms Valentine and to Phil Jayhan of Let's Roll Forums for his original work.


The perpetrators of 911 used the events to kill potential whistle-blowers whom they had involved in highly classified preparation of four entities including one missile (Pentagon), a missile or remotely controlled plane (1st tower impact), one explosive-laden drone passenger-type aircraft (2nd tower impact), and a passenger plane resembling a commercial airliner that was rigged to be violently exploded by remote command (Shanksville). Engineers and scientists of Raytheon, and others, were instructed to attend an LA meeting and booked on four flights of 911, only two of which actually flew.


A number of co-conspirators were booked on these flights to keep order aboard, if necessary, but particularly to be used as shills when selected crew members and passenger were instructed or coerced into effecting mock-hijacking scripted cell-phone calls at temporary landing locations.


The day began with passengers and crew having been scheduled on Boston's AA-11 for takeoff at 0800, a flight that never was. Instead, they boarded UA-175 with its previous small load (56 passengers, 9 crew) and took off at 0814. It landed at Stewart AFB where phony hijack cell-phone calls were made. Its take-off was delayed to permit a landing in Cleveland following that airport's lock-down. This plane's transponder was changed to Delta-89, a flight number masked by the war games conducted that day.


Also starting the day's events, UA-93, was scheduled to leave Newark at 0801. The plane loaded its passengers at the gate and then taxied from the gate but did not take off immediately. At Dulles airport 58 passengers and 6 crew members had been booked on AA-77 which did not fly. Instead, a plane shuttled them (20-25 min.) to Newark. Upon landing, passengers immediately switched planes on the tarmac to Flight 93 which took off without further delay at 0842. To claim that the 41 minute delay had resulted from heavy traffic at that hour is simply absurd.


The launch of the missile/plane that impacted the first NY tower was timed to occur when UA-93 had completed its loading and received instructions to procede to a take-off runway. At 0846 the first NY tower was struck by that remotely controlled missile or small plane. At 0903 an explosive drone airplane launched from Stewart AFB, impacted the second tower. Passengers aboard UA-93 had no knowledge of either event.


Delta-1989, a regularly scheduled flight, had left Boston at 0825 bound for the west coast. This plane was ordered to land in Cleveland. It was claimed that a bomb threat had been received. Enough personnel were on hand to totally lockdown the entire Cleveland Hopkins airport. At 1000 hours all those within the facility were ordered to leave the airport. People were not allowed to take their cars! They had to walk or get a ride at the highway. Busses were not allowed to leave the airport. Persons were told to go home. Although the source of the reported bomb threat should be easily traceable, it is not. The day's events were planned meticulously. That airport was shut solidly for a reason. We think that we know the reason. No other reason comes to mind.


UA-93 landed in Cleveland at 1045. Flight time from Newark to Cleveland is one hour and twenty-five minutes. UA-93 took around 40 minutes longer because it too landed at a designated AFB where most of its originally loaded passengers transfered to another plane. A handful of these, however, remained aboard UA-93. Parked on the runway or tarmac, they made cell-phone calls as participants in a mock-hijacking and takeover scenario. Those passengers who boarded after having been shuttled from Dulles, the non-existent AA-77 Pentagon plane bunch, also remained aboard UA-93.


Since the calls were made between 0940 and 1000, flight-time to the interim AFB must have traversed somewhat more miles than midway between Newark and Cleveland. Drawing circles around Newark and Cleveland, using a larger radius than midway between the cities for the Newark circle, results in their intersecting at two points, a northern one close to or above Lake Erie, and a southern one near Pittsburgh PA. Pittsburgh IAP Air Reserve Station is located 12.1 miles NW of Pittsburgh at the area's international airport.


Yeager Airport at Charleston WVA, has been mentioned in connection with the spurious track of AA-77, but it is too far from Newark, in my view, to serve as the interim phoning landing place. The fake AA-77 Pentagon strike at 1003 was accomplished by a missile, fired from the west, providing a phony AA-77 radar track.


The non-commercial passenger jet to which most of UA-93's passengers transferred took off. The plane had been rigged with high-technology explosives similar to those used to destroy the NY towers. The passengers may have been told that a white military jet would provide a protective escort. Intercepted by a military fighter plane, the engines of this substitute UA-93 were disabled over a rural area by small heat-seeking missiles. It lost altitude and was remotely detonated by the white escort plane. Pulverized at tree-top level, its explosion shook houses more than fifteen miles distant. Some debris, blown sky high, ended up miles away and later reinforced shoot-down theories. The airplane and passengers were not buried into the soft earth at Shanksville. Fragments of human remains were distributed throughout 100 acres surrounding the "crash" site.


This well-orchestrated event provided the narrative for the fate of UA-93's passengers. It also assured that passengers who were supposedly aboard AA-77 would not be identified by DNA analysis.


Around the time the plane exploded at Shanksville, PA (1003) UA-93, having changed its transponder, was taking off with its unfortunate passengers to travel only 110 miles to the securely closed Cleveland-Hopkins airport and a large building formerly occupied by NASA remotely located at that facility.

* No footnotes *
The above article was written specifically for those few who are thoroughly familiar with research to date and with often contradictory evidence. It is also for another few who are inclined to search for such material online. It is much easier to accept the official explanation uncritically. Take your pick.

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