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Breaking: Architectural Photographer Hired as 9/11 Accomplice Speaks Out; AE911 Truth Refuses to Investigate His Claims

Deborah Dupre'-Human Rights Examiner

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This is a story of huge significance, which, if true, has a number of disturbing implications: 
1)  It is only the second known account given by a witness/indirect accomplice involved in some way, howsoever peripheral, with the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers who, unlike Barry Jennings -- the first -- has somehow survived;
2)  Building 7 of the World Trade Center, as well as possibly the Twin Towers -- may have had explosive devices -- whether conventional demolition or nonconventional, or both -- embedded within them at the time of their construction;
3)  The architectural and engineering firms which built the WTC -- Emory Roth and Skillings, respectively -- may have been involved in this as early as 1987;
4)  These firms may also include SAIC -- Science Applications International Corporation -- the shadowy, versatile firm that is the largest of all US military contractors, which both the architectural photographer/ 9/11 accomplice-witness in question and the author of this article have misidentified, confusing it -- as did the photographer's sinister temporary employers -- with an art school with the same acronym in Chicago that the photographer in question earlier attended
4)  Kurt Sonnenfeld -- a FEMA public affairs officer/photographer at the WTC site after 9/11 who claims to be a targeted individual fleeing US government persecution because of what he supposedly photographed there -- is actually be a US government operative who has been involved in stalking Tom-Scott Gordon, the architectural photographer mentioned above and his girlfriend;
5)  Richard Gage and Architects/Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE 9/11 Truth) has refused to investigate this important story, claiming that they only study the "forensic" aspects of 9/11, and have refused to even post it on their website.
    It looks more and more to this writer like Richard Gage and Steven Jones are the patriarchs of the Pharasaic orthodox sect of the 9/11 "truth" movement, narrowly focusing the debate on 9/11 truth to a technical "demolition derby".  This is based on the compartmentalized dogma of their increasingly inadequate thermite theory of what destroyed the Twin Towers, rather than the hundreds of more substantive, provable issues raised by 9/11. 
    They have also managed to mean-spiritedly marginalize the most original scientific researcher of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Dr. Judy Wood, who, after self-publishing a copiously documented masterwork of such forensic investigation as Gage claims AE 9/11 seeks to do earlier this year was pointedly excluded from all of the major symposia scheduled by the patriarchal orthodox 9/11 "truth" movement for the tenth anniversary of 9/11. One of its key hypotheses is, significantly, that directed energy weapons instead of/in conjunction with controlled demolitions, may have been used to vapoirize the Twin Towers.
    Further, Steven Jones was earlier involved in trashing the professional reputations of Dr. Pons and Fleischman, who, in 1989, rediscovered the existence of cold fusion, which Jones and his associates famously ridiculed as "junk science".  The main problem with his ridicule is, this "junk science" has now been shown to be real:  Italian inventor Andrea Rossi has invented the Catalyzer generator based on its principles, and has plants running on it based in the US, Italy and Greece.  Jones suspiciously seems to be present whenever alternative forms of energy are about to be revealed and/or utilized so that he can publicly denigrate them and/or deflect public discussion/attention from them.
I have taken the liberty of printing this article's text out with the weblink, because the weblink most of the time does not easily open, indicating that it soon may be disappeared, as some of ace reporter Deborah Dupre''s best work has been in the recent past.

Exclusive:  9/11 Accomplice Claims Complicity to Murders
Deborah Dupre'-Human Rights Examiner-September 12, 2011
Architectural Photographer hired to be accomplice to 911 murders
On the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 New York City mass murder, a Little Rock, Arkansas architectural photographer, Tom-Scott Gordon provided what is possibly the most important testimony evidencing 911 was orchestrated by U.S. officials who indirectly hired him to unwittingly help plan the attack nine years before the operation was activated. Since then, Gordon became a targeted individual by U.S. officials and a leading 911 Truth group dismissed his testimony. 
"As soon as I learned the North Tower had been hit, all I could think of was that I had personally seen the faces of those directly in charge of this operation,” Gordon said this weekend in an exclusive interview with the Examiner.
Exclusivity of this interview was not from Gordon hiding for ten years nor pleading the Fifth Amendment.
Despite threatening warnings, having been followed from city to city, having his homes broken into, and having his files ransacked while he was out of his homes, Gordon has made numerous attempts, including during the past two weeks, to provide his important testimony proving 911 was orchestrated by U.S. officials and he helped ensure that the plan succeeded.
Gordon believes his information is not meant to be exposed since he has been silenced.  
WTC Building 7 demolition preparations, 1986
"I'm eyewitness to the WTC Building 7 being built in 1986-87, 'topped-out' and then, with heavy FBI security presence, covertly 'reinforced,"' Gordon stated. 
"In building construction, 'topping out' is a ceremony held after the last beam is placed at top of a building. The term may also refer to overall completion of the building's structure, or an intermediate point, such as when the roof is dried in. A topping out ceremony is usually held to commemorate the event. (Wikipedia)
"Architects for 911 Truth do not want to investigate this, even though it shows years of architectural planning went into 911," Gordon told Dupré.
"Building 7 was perfectly sound," he said. "Building 7 was simply a 'land bank,' because they knew it did not match their future development plans for the overall complex. The steel framing was ostensibly required to be 'rebuilt' immediately after it was built."
"Officials at a Skillings engineers' meeting I attended in 1987 warned some 200 people who oversaw the rebuilding of Building 7 to remain silent about what they knew," Gordon said. 
Skillings was the lead structural engineering firm involved with the World Trade Center.
Architects for 911 Truth head, Richard Gage told Dupré in a telephone conversation Monday that he had spoken to Gordon months ago but his information will not appear on the organization's website.
"We are only using forensic evidence," he said, adding that he welcomed another conversation with Gordon.
Twin Towers demolition planning, 1987
The Twin Towers were overdue for demolition by September 11, 2001 according to Gordon, saying his supervisors had advised their staff of this.
Being a professional photographer and having written on his resume, "SAIC graduate," Emery Roth selected Gordon to photograph the Twin Towers in May through June, 1987. 
Obtaining subsequent training under architectural photographers Julius Shulman and Otto Baitz enabled Gordon to work nationwide as a free-lance specialist for over 20 years. 
"While working with the original WTC architects in May of 1986, Barry Yanku assigned me to shoot, one-point elevations of all the buildings surrounding the WTC Complex over a two-month period, a very unusual assignment to say the least," he told Dupré. 
"I was suspicious as to why they'd chosen me instead of their regular photographers, Ezra Stoller and Norman McGrath." 
Upon moving back to Denver from New York City in 1991, answers to Gordon's questions were revealed. In Denver, he had submitted a job-application to Brown & Root’s Colorado office and had a brief introductory meeting there.
“Brown & Root then called me back for an 'urgent and mandatory meeting,' not to award me the assignment I'd sought to photograph, a huge new refinery in south Texas," Gordon said.
Gordon was met at that conference by what he said were six to eight men in black suits, only one of whom he had met a few days earlier.
"They accused me of essentially working as an impostor,” he said. "When I explained 'SAIC' is 'School Art Institute of Chicago,' they all went silent.
Gordon said that he challenged the men's right to hassle him, simply because he had "zero credit history, zero points on my license, and zero arrests.” 
"Suddenly, their dark glasses went up and everyone was stammering in embarrassment as they fled for the exits." 
"Later, I realized they probably selected me for the photography job because they thought I graduated from the technical division of School of the Americas, the 'military terror training facility at Fort Benning,'" Gordon said, when in fact, he graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where he studied traditional photography materials and techniques.  (This is where both Gordon and Dupre' misidentify "SAIC", as did Gordon's sinister temoporary employers; here they are actually discussing the "SOA", unpopularly known as "School of Assassins", now officially known by acronym "WHISC".-- REC)
"Any thorough background check could have easily resolved any mystery about my experience and education." 
When Emery Roth & Associates gave to Gordon the WTC assignment, their firm was about one-sixth its previous size, he said, adding, "Their expensive, nearly empty, uptown New York office might have offended any future client-prospects."
"From my experience, the most suspicious of their activities was the sudden appearance of a brand new, highly accurate, aluminum/steel, 7’9” scale model of the Twin Tower curtain wall," Gordon told the Examiner.
"That expensive scale model sat proudly in the architects' WTC library conference room where I'd spent nearly a full week before studying the exhaustive photography archives of the WTC properties."
"By all appearances, the firm was nearly broke, so why had they commissioned such an elaborate model so many years after the buildings were complete? 'Maybe for permanent display at MOMA?' I thought, seizing that rare opportunity to touch it."
Minutes later, Gordon's boss, Mr. Yanku arrived for work that crisp spring morning. 
"He was visibly shaken to find me in the presence of that sculpture. Showing outrage, he claimed the model was 'explicitly to have been returned to storage by Monday morning!'
"Suddenly, he broke into an unseasonal sweat. He then went to make a phone call," Gordon said. 
“'Fine, I’ll just go to the restroom,' I said, shielding my right finger tips that were beginning to burn from a caustic gooey material applied to the inside of the spandrel panels. But soap and water accelerated the corrosive, or acidic reaction." 
"Today, I contend that it was this caustic aggregate material which probably allowed the specially constructed airplanes to penetrate the building so easily." 
According to Gordon, everyone associated with two firms that had been involved with the WTC, Emery Roth architects and Skillings Associates, P.C. knew the entire group of WTC buildings had outlived their usefulness due to the extraordinary expense of "keeping them alive."
 in 1996, Emery Roth architectural firm ceased to operate, apparently due to financial distress.
"By the time those firms disbanded, everyone in both the architecture and engineering teams also knew someone was willing to pay a lot of money to make this knowledge-base disappear. Not having a salaried position when they disbanded, I wasn’t 'offered a promotion, and a job in Seattle,' like their full-time employees." 
"My testimony explains that detailed plans to implode the Twin Towers were completed by 1987," Gordon said.
"My photo partner, Bill Charles, and I watched as Building 7 was being ‘wired’ by a secondary team after the steel framing was first completed." 
Threats after knowing buildings were scheduled for demolition 
Gordon said that for years after 1987, his house and apartment were rifled "evidently looking for his negatives and job log-book."
"For several months after I finished the job in New York, two men tailed my girlfriend, Natasha  Grotenhaus and me around New York City. She had many more opportunities to see their faces, 'probably because they generally approached from my rear,' as she had said."  
As targeted Individuals would relate, Gordon said he was never directly confronted by the two people stalking him in New York, but he "was incredibly shaken" when he "saw them featured on the cover of TV Technology News.
"The photograph was the same two men who had been shadowing me, standing atop the WTC rubble." he said. (See:  "Capturing History at Ground Zero," Hendrik, M., TV Technology News, November 28, 2001)
The two men, FEMA’s Denver-based Region 8 Deputy Public Affairs Officer Jim Chestnutt and Public Affairs Officer Kurt Sonnenfeld, had been assigned the job of photographing the WTC after the mass murders there according to TV Technology News. 
"No camera crews were inside the closed-off perimeter Sept. 13 when Region 8’s head of public affairs for disasters Ed Conley arrived. He asked Chestnutt and later Sonnenfeld to capture everything possible on video," reported TV Technology News.
"When FEMA was shopping for cameras we did research about what we wanted and picked the ones that seemed best for use in external and internal video consumption," says Chestnutt. "I liked the new digital technology that allowed us to get professional-quality equipment at a lower price and because digital footage could be worked on a computer. We would be able to work out of a hotel at a disaster, edit pictures and send them from a laptop."
The only crew at Ground Zero were Chestnut, Sonnenfeld plus two still photographers, Andrea Booher and Michael Rieger. (TV Technology News)
Gordon recounted, "Some six to eight months later, they showed up with one of my ASMP photography associates at a large open house ‘homecoming’ party Natasha and I held shortly after returning home to Denver. Natasha easily made positive ID, and alerted me to pay close attention to them, which we did."
"They left within minutes," Gordon said. 
Later, Gordon confronted the pair when again, they appeared out of the blue at Haidar’s Studios in Los Angeles.
"I asked Jim Chestnut point-blank; 'Why were you two assigned to shadow me in New York, Denver and now, here in LA?'”
"Chestnut said, 'This interview is over,' while Kurt Sonnenfeld turned for the door and they both quickly left. 
After 9/11, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) quickly developed an early explanation of the collapses, that had become known as the "pancake" theory. It completed its WTC performance study in May 2002, declaring the "WTC design had been sound, and attributed the collapses wholly to extraordinary factors beyond the control of the builders." (Wikipedia)
Gordon believes the most important thing he saw on the job was the FBI clearing out every important record in Skilling's offices in Tower 1 in 1989.  He said that the most important thing he heard during that period was, "The exterior joinery of the WTC buildings has weakened significantly."  
What Gordon witnessed adds to thousands of other 9/11 information bits and evidence. According to him, however, not one other person from either of the firms involved has spoken out much less testified. Furthermore, not one of the 9/11 independent researchers or groups was directly involved with the WTC buildings as Gordon was he says.
Asked why he thought people are disinterested in his testimony, Gordon said, "I've only named a few of the other 200 or so direct witnesses in former writings. None of them have dared respond to my allegations, or threatened to "sue me for libel. Eventually, most eye-witness accounts need to be vetted in a Federal Court Room."
Legally, if any judge was to read this, this alone would command a trial according to federal statute.
Copyright. Deborah Dupré, 2011. All rights reserved.