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Question 3 for 9/11 Smarties: Why was The 2001 Invasion of Iraq called off on September 11, 2001?

Elizabeth Young

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911 is without a doubt the most written about, analyzed, discussed, conspiracy in the history of mankind. Yes even the official story:

Nineteen fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, crashed airplanes into important buildings in the N.E. sector in the United States because they “hate our freedoms”

Is a conspiracy between Osama Bin Laden (who isn’t even wanted by the FBI [1q]) and the Arab terrorists who the U.S. government claims hijacked planes and crashed them in to important buildings in the N.E. sector in the United States.

“Conspiracy” is a REAL word for a REAL act that has existed in human societies in all cultures throughout human history. If conspiracies did not exist, we would not have a word for it. The problem that we face today is that the US Government has arrogated to itself a singular role as a political pontificate that believes that it and its agents in the Justice Department, alone, constitute the only “person” (corporate person) on this Earth who is allowed to use the word “conspiracy” as it employs the charge of “conspiracy” every week in trials to put both guilty and innocent people in jail while deriding and discrediting all others who employ the word as “conspiracy theorists.” Paris Flammonde [2q]

There are inside, outside and even an outside inside-space story (conspiracy theory) about what really happened on 911.

Test your knowledge of the September 11, 2001 stories. See if you can spot the Terrorist Job (the story), The Inside Job (Global Domination) (the story behind the story), The Exotic Weapon story (another story behind the story) or The Metaphysical story (the story behind the story behind the story behind the story!).

Question 3. Why was The 2001 Invasion of Iraq called off 5 hours after the 2nd tower was destroyed? The USS Carl Vinson was in the Persian Gulf with orders to invade Iraq. Logic would dictate the invasion would go forward when the buildings were destroyed and not be called off. [10b]

Option 1 - Even though the terrorists were all from Saudi Arabia, they were worried the U.S. would retaliate and invade Iraq. The terrorists were also concerned the U.S. might even claim Sadaam had WMDs and a connection to 9/11. So they hacked the White House secure line to the Carl Vinson and called the invasion off 5 hours after the second tower collapsed (and turned largely to dust).

Option 2 - On 9/11, Bush traveling on Air Force One going to?Washington D.C. on when he received a phone call from some highly-placed moles within the administration that threatened “Angel is next” (Angel is the codeword for Air Force One) unless you call off the invasion of Iraq.

Option 3 - The Military Industrial Complex does not have the authority to issue an order to stand down, only the president or the Joint Chiefs of Staff can do such an abominable thing (of course they did it 18 months later, but that’s another story).

Option 4 - 10:28:31 a.m. When the Earth was declared the winner and the Arm Wrestling table leg of the North Tower collapsed, TPTB were defeated and therefore the invasion of the cradle of civilization and the start of a New World Order was called off. And if you need more proof TPTB accepted defeat, what did George W. Bush tell us do on 9/12? Answer: “Go Shopping.”

Pictures of Mini Nukes at PakAlert Prove 9-11 was a Metaphysical Catechism (Test)



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