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A WHOLE LOOK MORE - No Plane Hit The Tower

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Since 911, countless claims have been presented arguing whether or not an actual plane hit the second tower or not. Numerous amongst the arguments are video segments of the supposed plane hitting the tower which were hastily prepared by the news media to bolster the official story that hijacked planes were responsible for the collapses. Some of the videos are full of glaring errors made in the haste to get them screen ready, all of which argues obliquely to the fact that a plane did not hit the tower else why the need to fabricate videos attempting to show that one did.

A truism of common logic suggests that if something is true, phoney evidence is not required to prove it. The opposite, obviously also a truism, is that phoney stories can only be substantiated by fabricated evidence.

Therein lies the perfect colon cleanser for determining whether or not twenty zealots from a cave in Afghanistan hijacked passenger jets and slammed them into the World Trade Centre as the official version would have you believe. Or that devious parties within the US hierarchy and elsewhere pulled off a false flag of the century and would very much have you believe otherwise.

The situation is simple. If the official hijack story is true, there would be no need to create fake evidence to support the story. If faked evidence exists, somebody somewhere wears guilt bare faced upon their sleeve.

The fact of the matter is is that there are faked evidences all over the place. As the two following videos clearly show, the object actually hitting the second tower is very small and is on a steeply inclined descending trajectory. In both, see a small object descending sharply from upper right.



In the second view, If you look closely enough you can see the heat trail from the exhaust distort the background view as it comes in.

In particular, listen to the official story line being officially set up when a girl hurriedly cuts in and announces in a dead tone suggesting she's reading from a script that a second large jet just hit the tower. The announcer then cuts in stating that they just saw a plane circling the building in complete contradiction to what just showed in the videos. Consequently to no one's surprise, fabricated videos showing a full size passenger jet homing in almost dead flat towards the tower suddenly started abounding everywhere as the next video clearly shows.


The next two videos give away the game. The first has the front of the supposed jet popping right out the other side the tower before being obliterated by an explosion overlay. The so called sic, 'Amazing disappearing nose cone video'.


For those who are hard of seeing, to make the point loud and clear the following set of screen captures shows the goof bare faced in the noon day sun.


Jan. 5, 2011