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Who Destroyed the 9/11 Evidence?

Christopher Bollyn

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heir Zionist agents, the real culprits behind the false-flag terrorism that changed the world.  This article will be the final and conclusive chapter of my book, Solving 9/11 - The Deception that Changed the World.

On 19 November 2010 I sent photographs of two of the main people involved in the "recycling" of the 300,000 tons of steel from the World Trade Center to Roy Tov, the Christian Israeli author of The Cross of Bethlehem.  I sent these photos of the culprits behind the criminal destruction of the steel to Tov because he is very knowledgable about the Mossad, having been pursued and targeted by Israeli assassins around the world.  This is what Roy Tov wrote back to me on November 21:

Thanks Christopher,

If the pictures are real, then there is little doubt regarding their allies and employers. The chances they'll answer in such case are slim, or it will be in the form of an attack (lawyers or violent) against you.

In September, when I began my research into the people behind the destrucion of the steel, I called the Hugo Neu company, which was one of the two New Jersey scrapyards that "recycled" the steel.  Hugo Neu was a German Jewish immigrant from Fürth (like Henry Kissinger, another Rothschild agent) who came to America and worked as a bank clerk with Seligman & Co. before becoming the head of Associated Metals and Minerals Corporation (AMMC) in New York in the 1930s with his German Jewish fellows, Meno Lissauer and Walter M. Rothschild, the company's president.  Lissauer's wife, Meta, was also Walter Rothschild's sister.  Hugo Neu started his own scrap metal company in 1945.  The company is now run by his son, John, and has very close business ties to the state of Israel and is invested in a Mossad-linked Israeli venture fund.

Since 2001, the two companies involved in the destruction of the steel, Sims Metal Management and Hugo Neu, have merged into one company.  I called and asked to speak with Alan Ratner, the former head of Metal Management in New Jersey, Daniel Dienst, or Robert Kelman, since these were the key executives involved in the 9/11 steel recycling.  I got through to Ratner's secretary, who gave me his email, but instead of letting me speak to any of these men, I was connected to company's spokesman, Daniel Strechay.

Nov. 29, 2010