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Interview with Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer (ret) - Jamie Gorelick 'should not have been on the 9/11 commission' - 'everyone covering for someone'

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ican Government concerning the 9/11 Commission. Lt. Col. Shaffer participated in a military intelligence program called 'Able (A-b-l-e) Danger', conceived by Gen. Henry Shelton (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1997-2001) and Gen. Peter Schoomaker (Commander in Chief of Special Operations Command, 1997-2000) and launched in December 1998 to collect open source Internet data on 'Al-Qaeda' networks, terrorist financing, and related areas. [Note that 'Al-Qaeda' is Arabic for "the base".]

Apparently, the CIA interfered with Lt. Col. Shaffer's gathering critical intelligence related to 9/11; and what was made known to Lt. Col. Shaffer is that "everyone on the 9/11 Commission was covering for someone." What is important to Abel (A-b-e-l) Danger in this interview is to understand why Jamie Gorelick [Crown Sister: built a 'wall' between the FBI and the CIA] is mentioned in this conversation: "Some felt Jamie Gorelick should have never been on the 9/11 Commission."

There existed a station (1996–2005) which was an "interdisciplinary" group, drawing on personnel from the CIA, FBI, NSA and elsewhere in the intelligence community. Formally known as the 'Bin Laden Issue Station', it was codenamed Alex, [parallel to Able Danger?] or Alec Station, as referred to by Able Danger liaison Anthony Shaffer. By 1999 the unit's staff had nicknamed themselves the "Manson Family", "because they had acquired a reputation for crazed alarmism about the rising al Qaeda threat". It benefited from self-perpetuating 'war on terrorism' to generate revenue and fuel bureaucratic lethality.

'Alex Base' – the CIA's covert action element (allegedly) targeting bin Laden – was, it looks to us, ultimately controlled by British Intelligence, working at cross purposes with Able Danger [a SOCOM-LIWA-DIA data mining program]. Overseen by CIA Director George Tenet, the job of "Al-Base" was presumably to surveil 'Al Qaeda' MI6-CIA Arab assets and assure a plausible role for them as principals in the 9/11 script when that day's director called "Action!". In other words, 'Alex Base' enabled diversionary Muslim Brotherhood patsies; and inhibited Able Danger investigators from doing their jobs properly. The problem was not just the Gorelick wall: it was moles within the CIA – and, later, moles within the DIA [allegedly Maj. Gen. Ron Isler and Col. Mary Moffitt].

Before anyone else that Abel Danger knows of, Webster Tarpley intimated that a British Intelligence network was probably the main group that masterminded the 9/11 attacks. Did Richard Clarke and George Tenet originate the "Al Qaeda did it!" meme on 9/11? Tarpley documents that they did. See Tarpley's 911 Synthetic Terror. [Note: both Clarke and Tenet were holdovers from the Clinton administration – just like Norman Mineta. In fact, Clarke was even a NSC holdover from the George Bush Sr. administration.]

9/11 Report Is A Cover Up From Start To Finish


Oct. 11, 2010