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The Real Reason for the Cancellation of the 9-11 Trial

Christopher Bollyn

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media discussion about the high cost of security is just the cover story.  The FBI and U.S. government does not want to be exposed as having stolen another person's identity to push the fraudulent "War on Terror."

After a dinner in New York on Dec. 14, Steven Spinola, president of the Real Estate Board of New York, pulled aside David Axelrod, President Obama’s closest adviser, to convey an urgent plea: move the 9/11 trial out of Manhattan.

Source: "U.S. Drops Plan for a 9/11 Trial in New York City", New York Times, January 29, 2010

The Obama administration will not have an open 9-11 trial because it would expose the fraud that the person said to be Khalid Sheik Mohammed is not the terror mastermind of 9-11.  He is, in fact, not even Khalid Sheik Mohammed.  The person said to be KSM is a "feeble-minded" man named Ahmed Abdul Qudoos.  He has been scapegoated and made to fill in for the real KSM, who was killed in Pakistan.

The real KSM studied mechanical engineering at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University.

The man said (by U.S. officials) to be Khalid Sheik Mohammed is clearly not a bright-eyed and articulate English speaking engineer.

Is the so-called KSM really Ahmed Abdul Qudoos?

The U.S. government cannot hold an open trial in the United States with the false KSM because there are people in the United States who knew and remember the real KSM, such as his former teachers in North Carolina.  As I wrote in 2007:

Furthermore, the real KSM was a person who had traveled and worked extensively across Asia and had lived in many foreign countries, from the United States to the Philippines to Bosnia.  With this level of education and foreign travel, the real KSM would have a much greater command of the English language than what we find in the transcript.

There were no defense attorneys or members of the press allowed to the secret hearing in which the military tribunal heard the confession of the alleged architect of 9/11.

"The Detainee served as the head of the Al Qaida military committee and was Osama bin Laden's principal Al Qaida operative who directed the 11 September 2002 attacks in the United States," the statement said.

“I was responsible for the 9/11 operation, from A to Z,’’ the detainee said through an interpreter, according to the transcript of the hearing.  He also claimed responsibility for the 1993 bombing at the World Trade Center.

The detainee sat with an Arabic interpreter to his left and a U.S. military officer who was his official representative to his right.

"I not take the oath…" the detainee said in broken English about why he was not taking an oath in the court.  "Just to explain for this one, does not mean I'm not saying that I'm lying.  When I not take oath does not mean I'm lying."

"I understand," the tribunal president said.

But how can such meaningless gibberish coming from an unidentified detainee who has not taken an oath be seen by anyone as a credible confession?

No photographs accompanied the release of the KSM confession and there are very few photos of the person who is accused of being the terrorist mastermind of our time. 

To see if the disheveled, hairy, and overweight person said to be Khalid Sheikh Mohammed resembled the mechanical engineering student that studied in Greensboro in the 1980s, I contacted the engineering faculty of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University.

David E. Klett, a retired professor of thermodynamics, had the real KSM in several of his classes.  Asked about the photos of the person said to be the terror mastermind, Klett said, "I did not recognize that person.  I never saw that face before."

- Source: "The Absence of Justice for 9/11 Victims", Christopher Bollyn, March 20, 2007

To understand the real reason for the abrupt cancellation of the planned 9-11 trial in Manhattan, read the following article, especially the articles at the bottom about the identity fraud concerning the real KSM.

"Terror Risk High as Obama Ponders Afghan Fiasco"

Christopher Bollyn, "Why Afghanistan?" September 28, 2009

Bollyn, "The Great Game - The War For Caspian Oil And Gas," October 14, 2001

Bollyn, "Gitmo Gulag Process Falls into Chaos," July 16, 2009

Bollyn, "Terror Mastermind KSM is an Imposter - The Confession is Fake," March 16, 2007

Bollyn, "The Absence of Justice for 9/11 Victims," March 20, 2007

Bollyn, "When and Where was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Captured - or Killed?" March 16, 2007 

Jan. 31, 2010